Ludovic Mercier

You basically summed all the reasons I have the hardest time going back to PC gaming these days and why I make a point to buy all my Switch games as retail copies whenever possible, sadly enough**.

(and weirdly enough, the small storage space of default Switch models is something I’m starting to suspect/wonder if it

I have to say I also kind of like how Scizors, unlike other evolutions, isn’t a *straight out* power boost from Scyther. For one, they even have the same base stats total of 500. It’s just distributed differently . In fact, while Scizor’s typing and stats gives it more defensive power than Scyther, Scyther is

There’s some of that yet but:

This year is adding 200 more of the older pokemons. And not just in “you can tranfer them from older games” kind of way but “you can CATCH them in the CURRENT game” kind of way(and get them from trade/surprise trade/etc and you KNOW the moment the DLC drops, DLC owners are going to

I was miffed at the pricing at first but then I looked more closely at the free “Basic” account option. With it you get a box of only 30 pokemons but...

-Can still access GTS(without paying money... in fact, without even needing a Nintendo Online Service subscription technically, since GTS will be on your phone)

Tbh that’s kinda most likely why Home is phone-bound? The Switch can be replaced by it’s successor but Home will still work within the same phone environment separate from the consoles... and thus likely even better prepared for a console transition than Bank ever was.

At the same time... Pokemon Let’s Go pokemons can be transfered to Home AND converted to Sword and Shield.

But their format is based on the Pokemon GO format which WILL be added to home proper.

So having all that stuff handled on a single platform that can exist outside of any specific console environment(unlike Bank

GTS being phone-bound, unless the games get some kind of in-game access connecting to Home itself(though I suspect we won’t), does bug me a bit.

Then again, Pokemon Go will support transfer to Home eventually. So it makes sense to have the app that will support transfer for pokemons coming from a likely growing list of

Plus, if you don’t even care about storage... a *free* Basic account still lets you:

-Access the GTS
-Do that Wonder Box trade stuff
-Access those trading room, just not create them yourselves.
-Transfer stuff from Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee AND convert it to Sword and Shield format if it’s in the supported pokedex of these


It DOES matter if you must ABOSLUTELY get your pokemons from the older games.

BUT: a bit I see many people missing is that Home not only supports the Let’s Go games and eventually Pokemon GO... it ALSO supports the ability to convert those pokemons to Sword and Shield’s format.
And all of that can be done with a

.... the pokemon judge feature IS included in the base game though? Like, the ability to see IV is unlocked just by reaching rank 4 in the Battle Tower in Sword and Shield. And EVs can be checked right from the start of the game iirc(literally with a press of “X” iirc when you’re in the stats spread section of a

.... the way you writes this, you make it sound like a story where *Alfred* killed Batman’s parents all along specifically for the goal of indoctrinating him as a crime-fighter.

They are right, it’s *always* the butler. Nobody ever suspect the butler.

Honestly this is why I feel games with “always on” online server are so risky. So many shut down over time, I feel it’s become one of the thing that leads people to avoid ANY other games with such features become they become convinced those other ones too are going to shut down someday as well.

Kind of turning the

Oh gosh, thanks for that reminder XD

I still recal that

Only for the first chapter ;3

Which I just admit is a spoiler in itself, but one you’d go through pretty quick in the game. So... basically, the demo(it IS a beefy demo, this said).

And then there’s the three more chapters of that game(and their interludes) that I will thus not go into to spoil them.

And it was only one console of their entire line in that regard.

NES/ SNES were pretty simple and clear, N64 was clear about it’s tech upgrade for the time. Gamecube... well, was certainly very fitting of it’s distinctive shape. Wii was great as people stated.
WiiU was horrible but has now been quickly left in the dust

I have to second all of this. I’ve always been a RPG fan but over the last decade I felt like there was something missing that I didn’t find in the genre anymore and ultimately it was through Dragon Quest XI that I - finally- found it again: that simplicity such would allow me to just whittle away hours rather than

I think the reason we haven’t seen Ocarina of Time and Twillight Princess is specifically because they still had both very recents(just a gen ago) re-release and remakes.

If Link’s Awakening is anything to go by, I feel that more likely future remakes would be in the line of the Oracles titles and such. Or brand new

“And the portable nature of the console makes it the best choice by far for 2D action games like those.”

Honestly you couldn’t have said it better. Those are games I’d totally play on the go yet still enjoy on the TV. And on a TV the Switch is more than enough to enjoy them(whereas something like the PS4 would bring

Honestly “convenience” is the name of what makes the Switch’s success in my mind. And I kind of hopes stuff like Call of Duty truly never heads there because where the Switch shines in my opinion is not in these short multiplayer shooter experiences(where short playtime means that being bound to a couch is not an

The UI on PS4 alone is what ultimately turned me off from the console. Just the time it takes to boot up too(or shut DOWN if I somehow have to relocate the thing), ugh. I’m literally starting to consider selling mine on the cheap.

Meanwhile, ever since I got a Switch... the fact I had to start a new library “from