Ludovic Mercier

It was pretty classic of the original western releases of Dragon Quest games. The covers for DW3-4's cart had no characters and more focus on equipments/items tied into the story though a lot of the artwork in the original DW3 manual was still pretty cool. There was a pretty cool shot of the heroes fighting Baramos,

The “use menu to use stairs” bit was indeed the case in the days of the NES, but last I recall the remakes on mobile(which the upcoming remakes seem to have been partly built from) actually ditched that a long time ago. In fact the core series had ditched it a long time back as well if I recall.

Apparently the menu

Honestly while this wasn’t yet sadly the case with the older games.... this is honestly why I love the newer Dragon Quest games. Their additions of Party Chat features can be a godsend to recall where you need to go next in your game which helps a ton when you’ve had to put the game to the side a while back. Plus it

I would say 2 & 3. DQ1 has value for completionist but it shows it’s age with the single playable character and exclusively 1v1 battle(literally making it akin to Pokemon without the ability to change to a different pokemon).

DQ2 introduced more party members(for a total of 3 in battle) and more spells/spell effects

Thankfully, if the upcoming releases are anywhere near the mobile phone remakes, a lot of this was thankfully very much streamlined when it comes to controls for stuff like re: stairs and there was a lot of rebalancing for XP and Gold making them much more of a breeze to play.

Which tbh I feel kind of really improve

Having played the mobile versions of DQ1, I can admit that one is likely the one that aged the worst. Though less because of the series’ mechanics in themselves and more the specificities of DQ1 itself featuring only one playable character and exclusively 1v1 combat making for a truly monotonous experience.

DQ2 and DQ3

I think they’re based roughly on the Super Famicom remakes the mobile versions are based on. Well, DQIII is at least.

Iirc the original super famicom remakes of DQ1-2 used different graphics but the mobile ones(and the ones these versions are likely to have been built from despite likely different menu UI harkening

It’s kind of weird but someone else’s comment just made me wonder if one of the group that might get some mileage out of this(considering the hangar management, the looting of enemy mechs on fields ontop of the boss ones with unique techs.... and even the ice cream parlor that function not too unlike the Felyne chefs

Honestly that doesn’t feel like TOO inaccurate a description, considering the ability to loot parts from downed enemy mechs and, iirc, boss-grade mechs also having their own unique tech to loot?

The hangar management did give my some vibes of the logistics side of monster hunters between hunts. There’s even(included in

Honestly I’m actually glad it’s a separate app. Much easier to parse through the thing than having to go through more menus/etc within the NES app.

Personally I’m... slightly disapointed by the news but also almost glad? The monthly schedule never worked out well on the NES and I feel it led to a LOT of chaff-to-hits

Depends. We’ll likely indeed get months with little release. But this also leave them the possibilities of months with multiple staggered releases weeks apart. In these case, such months might even become more useful than the monthly schedule because then they could get the service visible in people’s eyes in a more

To a degree I feel like the monthly schedule never really worked for this service. Like at this rate... how long until you run into a month where you haven’t got done negotiating rights in time to prepare a new release?
To not mentions the risks of chaffs-to-hits ratio which I feel we saw a lot of on the NES. To a

To be honest I wonder if that’s in part because the monthly schedule in itself kind of hindered things?

Like release stuff every months but... what? At some point you will indeed hit a point where you’re just trying to fill a quota which was what I think happened on the NES app.

Though it doesn’t give any promises of

It’s funny because I was thinking about it and I just realized that an SNES app version of it might be even more likely than another port of the remake whose extra content often felt.... redundant at best? Ditto for the extra dungeons found in Final Fantasy remakes that brought very little that was actually “fresh”

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if those were coming. At least FFVI as “FF3". It might even be more likely than getting again ports of their remakes.

The remakes we got here were nice to a certain degree but they rarely gave much, as far as I can tell, that made them ultimately more relevant than the original game

Because of the copyright issues noted for third parties titles.

But honestly at this rate.... I’m tempted to almost say “Good”. Because the monthly pace was clearly not working anyway, especially judging by the NES app. A lot of the monthly releases just felt like releases for the sake of meeting a quota more than the

Honestly I’m not surprised though. Throughout all it’s history Homeworld was one of those titles that would always get a lot of *acclaim*.... but actually feature much more modest performances when it came to actual sales.

Of course being overshadowed by the likes of Starcraft during HW1 and I guess a shift away from

In hindsight, DoK did feel kinda.... multiplayer focused indeed, wasn’t it?

I mean I kind of enjoyed the campaign and was glad to complete it. So even in length I was fine with it.

It’s when it came to the post-release DLCs/etc that I was felt a bit... wanting, because they were all multiplayer-focused. It was a bit

Honestly, that’s the feeling I have that Sugiyama might be the member of the “team” that works the most separate from the rest. Which apparently was the case by default since apparently DQXI was even the first time that Horii, Sugiyama and Toriyama even met each others in person at the same time.

Honestly if not for

There were some themes that do stand out. For example I’m fond of the orchestral versions of DQ2's themes.

But we’re talking about themes composed during like... the NES era.

So ontop of being a shitty person, Sugiyama’s also one whose (arguable) better days are clearly in the past.

This said it does sounds like he’s