Ludovic Mercier

Some of the terrain would not even need to be massively modified to still represent huge changes.
Just think about that earthquake at the end of the trailer and what you’d get if something like the Great Tabantha bridge(rickety wooden mess in disrepairs that it is) finally collapsed as a result.

Being “only” a bridge

There’s some studios and places that stand out(I hear that Nintendo, of all people, is actually chill-ish compared to a lot of the other Japanese workplaces? Though I could be wrong but then again this is the company where execs cut their own pay during the WiiU days to not have to fire employees. Even then it

If anything an accessible difficulty almost sound like a plus for me after so long away from the genre.

That actually does make me further looking forward to get it. Really eager to hear what the performances will be like on Switch(it sounds like it releases on the 26th on that console?)

I don’t think they’d go the route of a DLC pack. After all there’s so many studios already even at *Nintendo* proper that proved themselves surprising masters in how to handle post-release support and content update without requiring paid DLCs.
Splatoon 1-2 has become quite the success story in that regard and it’s

That would be a good guess. E3 this year focused so much on the *very* near future of the remainder of 2019 and early 2020, I highly doubt this would be a 2021 game.

In fact if anything this year’s E3 itself felt like it was organized to be the antipode of the 2017 and 2018 E3, as if they specifically learned the

A weird feeling I have would be December 2020, top. I’m surprised we got such a developped trailer with plenty of scenes made using in-game graphics, environments we hadn’t seen before... the tweaked Zelda model and well, mumified Ganondorf.

Of course this is just but a simple snippet but... it’s also much more than

Myself it was sort of a hybrid of both farming and not caring. As I rarely used fast travel(to further enjoy the simple act of exploration and stretching my gameplay experience through the game’s quiet environmental soundtracks), I would generally only make use of whatever was on my path... but also take note of the

Ultimately “Cyphers” is just their grab bag umbrella term for what would just be “potions” or “scrolls” in other games. But by putting some hard limit on how much you can carry(with some lore about how so many incomplete ancient tech doesn’t really always interact nicely with each other’s energies), many ways to get

Tbh I think they miscalculated the importance of “transfering them all” in many fans’ eyes when it came to the time to make a decision about the fact it would be impossible to release the game in 2019 with support for all pokemons.
And their multiple attempts to try to reassure people such as mentioning the ways Home

Tbh I think it might happen in this gen just because of the backlash to it. If anything part of this is, I believe, because of their development habits.

They’ve never had to consider much games in the past where they weren’t able to get “everything” they could have wanted right at release. When the 3DS first released,

A bit but I think it might come primarily in the sequel. I feel what they primarily wanted was to force players(especially in places as tradition bound as Japan when it come to their gameplays?) to experiment a lot outside of the boundaries of what they’re used to.

and tbh I think it’ll be one refined in the sequel. Link was never seen using anything else than swords as “primary” weapon in previous games so they probably wanted a further incentive to force players to *experiment* with weapon types.

Tbh: the closest comparison to weapons in BotW I can think of is Numenera... and the cyphers of it’s cypher system. Because weapons in BotW function a lot similarly.

tbh I suspect they did that *because* so many weapons were new to Zelda when it came to them being used by Link.

It reminds me it’s the whole point of the Cypher system used by the Numenera RPG when it comes to their, well, cyphers items.

They can all have *powerful* effect but are used only once and you can only carry 3 max at the start.
But the world is a massive reliquary of ancient tech so cyphers are just one of the most

For me there was some of that but the moment I realized how much more deadly those early games weapons could become when put on fire really helped a LOT when in the early game.

In fact, when trying Master Mode I would utterly disregard the Traveler sword in favor of boko clubs put on fire when facing the blue bokoblins

this happened so often to me.

*chain chucks lower grade weapons at enemies’s head to make space and make it quicker to get the new shinier weapons*

Tbh at this rate... yeah.

Except he went as far as stealing Tesla’s name to boot rather than just the inventions.

Tbh... the ghostgreen of the arm being the same shades as the champions’(and king of hyrule’s) ghosts or even that of the motes of light Sheikah monks dissolves into when passing into the afterlife...

And then the backstory of the warlocks Zonai people who disapeared without trace except it’s suspected a powerful