Ludovic Mercier

In fact, the best example of it is probably the Westboro Baptist Church.

When they go out to protest funerals of dead soldiers, it’s not to have a “debate of ideas”.
It’s so that by their intrusion of a “safe” space(you know, a goddamn funeral full of mourning people whose very last wishes is for nutjobs to show up

Tbh, I think Superhero games have kind of.... been already done? Especially with the movie industry increasingly feeling like it’s superheroes fest or nothing at this rate...

Compared to the multiple years of wait between a “new” Dragon Quest game, I weirdly feel more freshness playing even a supposedly “tired”

I’ll be honest. Zelda:BOTW was my game of 2017.
And I don’t just mean in term of quality. I mean in sheer amount of game time I spent on it.

Seriously, the replayability potential is even rather surprising thanks to the ability to complete Divine Beasts in the order you choose for one.

And the Great Plateau is

On good side... I get the feeling the engine(DQXI was originally done on an older version of the Unreal Engine than the one that supported Switch development and would have had to delay the japanese release had they tried to get the Switch port done first) will indeed be the biggest hurdle and that’ll be mostly it.


It can be repetitive but “awful” is dependent on the player; one thing to note: The repetitiveness mainly come from being built around a short 30-50 seconds loop.
It might not be DQVIII great but many themes are decently solid for what they’re doing?

The thing is? That’s generally about how long a battle will be so to

Got it on PS4 myself but I hear you there. The only reason I even had a PS4 was for Monster Hunter World and this game.

With MHW not only already out on PC now and already beaten(I was surprised by how short it was, really) and MHGenU on my Switch...

Well, the day DQXI hits the Switch will be the day another PS4 will

Very simply?

Dragon Quest XI.

Maybe some Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate here and there but I’ll see. For me Dragon Quest are the perfect “comfort food” RPGs and after a lot of high stress periods, I couldn’t asks for better.

Isn’t Elder Scrolls Online still around there as well?
Even on PC, I feel like FFXIV and ESO really are the only MMO to have somehow managed to have enough of a mark to stick around even with WoW around. The only other one being Guild Wars 2 but afaik that one isn’t on console.

Like there’s a ton of crafting games I feel that would be stupidly more successful if they actually tried to make them less dependent on centralized servers structure and even moreso if they had more setting/modes/mechanics better balanced for smaller scale of play.

I love stuff like ARK:Survival for example, but to

It’s a bit even more than that; a point in favor for single player game with MP content.... but also specifically a point in favor for less centralized/massive multiplayer structures that seem favored by many games these days as opposed to (older?) designs less dependent on centralized structure such as the older

Only thing that’s a bit sad is knowing the franchise history... MHW might get there.... but it might be a bit.
The update cycle on console already feels like it’s slowing down which makes me feel that free updates might indeed end soon, especially since they have a PC version just releasing without any of the updates

Same! And having played MH4U on my 3DS a lot to now moving to playing MHGU on my Switch’s Gamepad Pro, I can nonetheless see the many small tweaks where the control scheme did benefit from it’s share of small improvements over the 3DS games(in fact, it’s making it even harder to return to MH4U for me because the

The funny thing is that World is perhaps the greatest testament as to the heights and tweaks that engine could be brought.
Technically rather than a completely different engine, it actually uses a variant of the same engine used by previous MonHun games; it actually uses the MT_Framework engine whereas older titles

Before talking about MHW2, I’m actually eager to see what else they will make for the 5th gen that started with World.

There’s still a “Portable 5th/World” and “World Ultimate edition” to make before we start talking about a 6th generation title like “MHW2" :P

And Generations Ultimate finally being ported west now mean

Tbh, considering that the portable team now truly has it’s hands free with the port of the fourth gen Generations Ultimate to the west on Switch, I wouldn’t even be surprised if we end up getting announcements for a handheld fifth gen story first.

Which might weirdly even be for the best; Tri Ultimate would likely

I suspect that future “Ultimate editions” might indeed come as expansions.

I just wonder if we’ll get “Portable 5th/World” first. Because while an handheld side-story set in a new locale(perfect for all that unmapped space really) might mean longer before an “Ultimate” edition/expansion of World... at the same time it

That’s the big unknown isn’t it? And knowing the franchise has traditionally not one single branch of games, but two(“Core” games like world and “handheld” ones like the pre-3DS “Portable” subseries and “Generations” which was made by the same team), make really curious about the future.

Like the “core” team just

Wishing you a lot of fun! I do warn inventory will be quite a curveball after all the greater ease of inventory management seen in World, but weirdly enough that streamlining in World actually allowed me to up my game even in older titles since it allowed me to get a better idea of the sort of items(already present in

That was hard, I’ll admit. Though I have to say Sword&Shield in Generations Ultimate’s demo nonetheless surprised me. Especially after playing TriU to get an hang of the older style games again in preparation to GU.

So weapons wise, I feel weirdly like I’ll be okay. Bowguns definitely feel a step back from World, but

Same. I actually played some Tri Ultimate again on my WiiU to see if I could get used to the older style of graphics again.

And weirdly enough... not only did I feel I could play with these graphics again, but also that going back to the old norms made me notice a few things that I feel are almost missing in World now