BOTW-era Majora’sMask-like would be AWESOME to be honest. And BOTW being a launch title make even more likely for the Switch to get a second Zelda if the Switch lives long enough.
BOTW-era Majora’sMask-like would be AWESOME to be honest. And BOTW being a launch title make even more likely for the Switch to get a second Zelda if the Switch lives long enough.
Let’s not forget it’s a hedgefund manager thinking he was a great businessman who managed to tank Sears of all goddamn thing with his Randian inspired BS style to management..
Seconding the love for Octopath myself. Heck there’s probably a lot of reasons why the game is apparently selling beyond expectations in retail(Japan and Europe iirc being two of the biggest market for it.... though I shouldn’t be surprised; a lot of non-english european sites likes ones based in Germany and France…
Smash/Pokemon/Mario party is most likely going to lead to one very decent sales spike.
Also all the people mentionning BOTW forget one thing: It’s been one heck of a title.... but still came third to Mario Odyssey *and* Mario Kart 8 Deluxe... a port of WiiU game(and BOTW was itself *also* a WiiU game).
And I say that as…
To be honest, it IS a good way of being able to put in a lot of details into that boss’ visuals despite being a 2D-style sprite... It certainly make them even moreso the literal “center piece” of said bossfights than a 3D game where both characters and bosses would be the same sizes and level of details sharing the…
For a slight spoiler of examples of “party chat “ skits:
I would say that’s a good way to put it! It’s not to unlike the original Romancing SaGa/Saga Frontier formula of multiple protagonist with stories completely different from each others for the fact they are set in the same world, though Octopath allows the tales to be played in parralel rather than separately. And I…
So I’ve had a bit more time to play with the game!
So far the combat system remains enjoyable to me. If you already enjoy turn-based jRPG combat you may like the twist they put on it.
The first chapters of every characters indeed do see a complete lack of interaction between the current protagonist and the one whose…
I’d say also that I feel this game might do decently well for the same reason Dragon Quest always kind of did decently well in Japan;
I’ve seen a lot of people in the west analyze that Dragon Quest’s success in Asia is purely due to the weight of nostalgia because of how unchanged(sometimes reffered to as “rote”, even)…
I’ll try to!
This said I already have some ideas what to expect but at the same time it’s exactly what I’m still okay with.
At the same time I feel people complaining about how the story is more a set of episode tied uniquely to the character of that episode also forget the challenge that covering companion characters’…
If you can, try the demos. I can agree with the narrative aspect but at the same time it’s the demos that helped me decide on this game because it still proved to be exactly what I wanted; that is, a lighter and turn-based experience that still has good audio-visual production value to me without being too deep that I…
Not necessarily silly, simply different priorities; i.e.: excellence in narrative design versus people who are perfectly fine with lighter or more episodic stories structure. Or like(which is my case) some people for whom lighter narrative is something we’re specifically looking for.
For me it’s definitely a…
I dunno. I’m someone who always need to keep myself occupied and sometimes just watching TV/etc is very much not enough. A simple game where I can simply chill out with grind/etc and not too worry if a lapse of attention just meant I missed a super major plot hook or other critical element.
Masterpieces are good, but…
Exactly. I’ve been trying to figure it why the demos alone did it for me and I think that’s it; the *simpler* experience of the games that also thus make it easier to just... relax, while playing them. Or even to be able to do other stuff when playing like watching a movie or drawing in a sketchbook.
That’s 100% what…
Pretty much. Even on TV I intend Octopath to be my “chill out comfort food RPG” to play when I’m specifically doing other things. When focusing fully on a game I prefer action games but turn-based affairs are really for when I’m doing other things like drawing in my sketchbook or working on a digital painting/etc.
To be honest, I’m 100% still picking up Octopath Traveller tomorrow as a 100% chill-out “comfort food” game I can play specifically when wishing to relax without stressing about how fast I’m progressing through the game or not while also drawing artwork/etc at the same time I’m playing.
Same here; even if I do intend to play larger sessions... they’re also the sessions where I want to also multitask by doing stuff like drawing in my sketchbook at the same time.
The lighter plot of Octopath might even be a boon in that regard with gameplay mechanics good enough to keep me playing but narrative that is…
That’s really how I kind of feel about this myself. Even if I have more freedom than others with my schedule since I work from home... at the same time it’s still busy enough I really like games I can “chill out” to rather than them needing 100% of my entire attention/focus/”brain processing power”(for lack of better…
I have to admit being surprised myself because most everywhere else I looked reviews of the game seemed to be generally on the most positive end of thing.
Like, I’ve seen echoes of sometimes “weak” story but what some people consider a “must” for story mode can vary a lot from people to people. I know a lot o people…
I have to admit I really like the turn-based combat of Octopath on it’s own weight alone from playing both of the demos themselves. It’s a shame to hear the story seem more hit and miss for some but I admits turn-based jRPGs(such as Dragon Quest) have always been the games I played more to relax rather than having to…