Ludovic Mercier

I could be uncertain but I think it’s indirectly related to the fact it’s the first Zelda game letting us use more than swords as primary weapons for the first time. In a way it ensured people would try out every different weapon types even if just purely out of necessity.

I can’t say if it was the -right- decision but

Edit: Ooops, accidently replied the wrong post, sorry!

Cohesive does seem to be a lot of what I’m seeing from Octopath’s demo. Like... I can see how every characters have independent stories, motivations and “quests”... yet just from playing a few intros in the demo I can already glimpse some of the potential common plot hooks that could tie some of the characters

The “a group of different characters, each with their own individualized stories and path” does remind me a lot of a SaGa deal.

This said, from the demos I’ve played I’ve -thoroughly- enjoyed what I’m playing. The music is great, the HD-retro graphics looks surprisingly good in action(especially environments) and I

I wonder if this presage some kind of massive scale PvE event(or new gamemode) of sort.

Pretty much about that prediction toward Sony. Especially since right now there’s -two- console makers who now both experienced their “WiiU-grade failure”(it turns out sales estimate for the Xbox One shows that while it sold more than the WiiU… it also -barely- sold more than it when the WiiU itself was phased out)…

You’d be surprised how many people actually got Minecraft on Switch for the portability alone, personally. Heck, a ton of the folks I know own Switch and of the dozens or so I directly interact with, *I* alone am probably the only one not owning Minecraft yet on the console.

And it’s not for lack of my friends trying

It’s a risk, though I think it’s why a plot focusing on the reconstruction of Hyrule might have been good. Ganon is already the big bad we’ve already defeated, so a different plot beat for the DLC might have made sense. Avoiding the “true ending” trap by instead simply adding “an ending following the ending”.


I think that’s how I enjoyed Breath of the Wild the most. Yes by taking in some of the open world realm but specifically nonetheless still focusing on the core gameplay loop of Great Plateau->Divine Beasts->Defeat Ganon.

It’s what keep the experience short and enjoyable enough I’ve actually managed to return to it 2-3

I’ve yet to play Witcher 3 but I think there’s some to be said there. I’ve beaten the core story of Breath of the Wild 2-3 times from start to end.... yet I’ve yet to complete any of the major DLC content.

And I think that’s in part due to the natures of the DLC focusing on adding lateral depths to the game(unlocking a

I can definitely understand the point of boredom and there’s definitely a couple of times the hunt for “more hearts” in Breath of the Wild got to me a couple of times. At the same time I think that’s why the decision to rush the Divine Beast helped because that was more or less 4 hearts guaranteed, leaving only 5 for

Well, “regular” conservatives DID side with the Nazis they thought they could “control” when they still thought they could be the mean to keep the “dirty socialists” at bay. Which’s kinda how Benito Mussolini got to power too despite everyone thinking him a clown.

And then you know, the whole WW2 thing happened and

Tbh , I’ve actually started to wonder if Microsoft themselves are not preparing themselves to become multiplatform or something. With their increased support of crossplatform multiplayer... *very* chummy attitude with Nintendo.

There’s been hint they could drop the “exclusive” approach even if they still make another

Even the big hitter of XBox’s conference, Sekiro… is actually multiplatform X_X

I was about to say that I didn’t know since “Colorful kinetic high speed mecha game definitely had my attention” but it’s true that one is for 2019.

I AM looking forward to Octopath Traveller next month though, to name just this one. Plus Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate and it’s roster of 129 monsters at the end of

I don’t expect a -ton- of DLC to be honest. If anything they’ve checked out so -many- boxes just by bringing everyone back I’d almost prefer DLCs focusing on maps or gamemodes if there are any,.

Like the only other characters I could imagine as DLCs is stuff that would have to already have indirect Nintendo ties at

I so loved the IDEA of the open world but the practice of it causes me to butt head against it every times I do try to run it again. Eventually I just gave up and literally... yeah, Sims 4 ended up winning what time I still spent on the Sims because of that.

Also oh gosh how did Sims 3 handle the expansions bloat

Sadly I’m pretty much certain it’s because of how some of the modes required people to have their own screen to play, especially the races which would have been difficult to pull out if everyone was purely on a shared screen.

I think my biggest issue with Smash Tour, beyond the unbalancedness of it that would indeed have benefitted a lot from more customization options, is not what it was.... but what it wasn’t.

And what it wasn’t was the 3DS’ Smash Run mode.

In almost every ways, the WiiU version of Smash Bros was my favorite... except one.

I 90% expect Trump’s post-presidency life to be 100% of him giving interviews on Fox News where he’ll be asked what he thinks about newpolicies(where he will 100% bitch about them if coming from Democrafts) and then what he thinks of [Insert new GOP candidate] where he’ll say random trite compliments about them before