
I just irresponsible for him to write something like that

I want them to play the impact statements on a constant loop in his cell until the day he dies

I truly hope he does well in his recovery, however I’ll be waiting for the other shoe to drop and damning allegations to surface because of everything that has already come out this year

I have a soft spot for people with addiction and if this is the only reason he resigned, then I wish him all the best and hope he can overcome this awful disease.

One of my best friends graduated from and now works at MSU. He just told me that he wouldn’t send his children there with the current leadership in place

I second this

I have ulcerative colitis and was one trip to Mayo Clinic away from having the same surgery as he had. Luckily I responded to meds and went into remission. My last flare up I lost 10 pounds, was shitting every 20 minutes and had zero appetite. To say I was miserable would be an understatment. I wish nothing but the

This sums it up.