luda-sensei do you come to this conclusion?

I've never tried to get a straight woman to sleep with me as a bi lady. It may have to do with the fact that I'm 25 and any straight woman I meet PROBABLY knows she's straight at 25 or older. On television they always show gay or lesbian people going after straight people trying to turn them and it's such a vicious

Just because your sexuality is fluid doesn't mean everyone's is. If a person self-identifies as a lesbian, no one should assume that there is a chance she's available to men, simply because sometimes people have fluid sexuality. As a lesbian who is has my sexuality constantly questioned, ignored, and disrespected, I

Even if you ignore the broken English this message is still all around weird. "Why am I die" is pretty existential stuff for a hookup app.

That's a what about the men comment, though. Because we all know that. It's understood, part of the subtext. Every single time an article mentions men someone shows up to say this, but it isn't necessary. Of course, it isn't all men!