
I'm the proofreader for the online translations of Honey and Honey, and we did a direct translation of the authors words. Sometimes, we personally do not agree with how the author phrased something, but we're not going to change the words because we're not about to put words in their mouth. I felt that some of the

There is a link to my tumblr at the bottom of the write up Kat wrote. 100+ other examples are available for your viewing there.


At least gay-only spaces exist in EXCESS. Lesbian only? Region-based and very lacking in security most of the time. The gay male ones even get really specific, like their an app for hairy guys into bareback, and another one where you could level yourself and catch gay pokemon or something. Lesbians??? I'm lucky if I

Lesbian users are SUCH LOW PRIORITY is why, at least that's what I've gathered. We don't buy the apps, we don't buy the stupid game things, we don't buy points, we don't buy "pixel gifs". Straight men will spend HUNDREDS on this stuff if they think it'll give them a better shot with women. Are they going to tweak

Be careful on my tumblr, I have some uncensored pictures there. I specifically censored the vag pic in my Overview post, but in the actual first post I left it because vags don't gross me out. There's also a picture a man sent of a porn star male eating out a porn star woman.

Ugh I wanted to reply to this a while back but I was busy. Being offered to be eaten out is assumed to translate the same way a man hears a woman offering a blow job, but it's so completely different. But I don't think using straight men as an example is that great of an idea. How about, "Would gay men let straight

The only straight women I've pursued with are women who have pursued ME first of their own volition. As soon as a woman declares that she's straight, I immediately back the fuck off. This is in person and on apps.

This is my current Skout profile. The Japanese says pretty much says what the English says. Also waoooo it is so exciting to watch people respond to this!