Lucy O'Gara

I am not saying we need to feel sorry for Joe Biden, because he did this to himself, nobody forced him to run for VP or president.

I hope they already have a fumigator and an exorcist on standby for the White House. I also would not be opposed to letting Canada burn it down again and just starting over.

Hillary Clinton conceded extremely graciously in 2016, and quite early, earlier than a lot of people thought she should have at the time.  I can’t imagine how difficult that was, when most of the polls were telling her she would likely win. But she did it. And four years later I am not at all surprised that the giant


Not Ivanka but adjacent, twitter is buzzing that Kayleigh whats-her-name is furiously deleting tweets which she’s furiously denying? *insert shrug emoji*

And if MAGA world thinks they can muster some kind of armed resistance outside, it won’t go well.”

Basically, but greasier, too.

Mr. Toad is one of my all-time favorite rides. The “hell” room is actually quite hot and steamy-humid, which I always thought was a nice touch. It also makes no sense because never in the cartoon or the book it’s based on does Toady ever go to hell. (Also, FWIW, the Rankin Bass “Wind in the Willows” from 1987 is by

I hear you.

The Republican party is alive and well in all 50 states and will continue to be so long as there are people who place more importance on their own finances than on the wellbeing of human beings they consider “others.”

These were my exact two takes. Except I’m torn about Kim. Did she vote for her husband because she wants to be first lady? Or did she vote for anyone else because she’s tired of his shit finally?

Update: the cat that turned her nose up at bacon this morning also would not touch homemade chile colorado tonight, but stole the bag of tortilla chips. Trying hard not to believe this is a bad omen. Taking a shot of Fireball and calling it a night (I’m cheap that way).

I’m so sorry to hear all this. :( Maybe the fact that tomorrow is a transition (not an end to the fuckery, of course, but a transition nonetheless) will help in some small way? 

I am very aware of that. But voting is by its very nature governmental, and the government decides where and when it happens, hence I would argue voting should not take place in churches.

It’s still earlyish morning on the west coast. My one-eyed, nearly toothless cat is chowing down on my peanut butter waffle and ignoring the bacon next to it. I feel that this is a bad omen, but could possibly be a good one? I can’t tell anymore.

I don’t think it’s callous. It would be if they didn’t know any better, but does anyone in this country really not know that they should be wearing masks and socially distancing by now? They’re being willfully ignorant.

Came here for this. Thank you. Fuck that guy.

THIS. I wouldn’t give a rat’s ass if Trump started wiping out his own supporters, but it’s not just them. They’re a danger to everyone they come in contact with, and because they’re Trump supporters you know most are not wearing masks appropriately and keeping their germs to themselves.

The one in Ballard where I dropped off mine was not, but that was the day after I received it and things may have changed since then.

Yeah, that feels icky to me, too, especially considering that most churches have an inherently political leaning despite the supposed separation of church and state.