*mic drop*
*mic drop*
Miz Cracker co-hosted Pit Stop with Bob this week and it was possibly the funniest Pit Stop ever. I love when Bob cracks herself up! And she made a really good point, that Rockem was scolded quite harshly for fart humor on the mainstage but Crystal’s taking a dump was okay? Both Bob and Cracker preferred Jackie’s…
The slideshow format here is unnecessary and annoying. Also, Sasha was the winner of Season 9, not Peppermint.
I am willing to donate to buy supplies so Garrett can do this. Where is the GoFundMe?
May I just say that your comments have been a highlight for me this season. Would subscribe to your newsletter.
The makeover challenge is usually my least favorite episode of every season, but I found this one surprisingly delightful. I am not a fan of the bare-your-heart moments, but that’s personal taste and I know other viewers love ‘em. When Jaida picked her fan I was shocked and thought she shot herself in the foot, and…
Thanks - I adore your username, btw!
Meghan Markle has the moral high ground, but does she really have a legal case? I know privacy laws are very different in the UK but I’m having a hard time seeing this as at all winnable for her.
Geddes’ work is what Hallmark stores in the ‘90s were full of. She’s like the Thomas Kinkade of baby photography. Is it annoying? Yes. Is there an argument to be made about the commercialization of art? Yes. Is that what this article is doing? No. Artists deserve to be paid for the work they do, period. Sour grapes is…
My 92-year-old granny and old aunties cruise and will continue to cruise despite norovirus, despite corona. They don’t care really about destinations, just the casino, live entertainment, other old people to chat with. We live in Seattle and there are fancy tribal casinos literally 1/2 hour drive away. Vegas and Reno…
Thank you!
...was that a Roxxxy Andrews joke?
Thank you. Maybe it *is* just the pall hanging over the season from she-who-must-not-be-named, but maybe not. I feel it, too. Brita has quit social media over the hate she’s been getting. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Jan or her enthusiasm. Jaida was set up to be the shady villain of the season but she hasn’t…
“I really don’t know what anyone else’s titties look like currently, but I can’t imagine there’s anything so untoward on a breast in quarantine that would require the smoothing powers of technology.”
Bless you.
I was afraid he was going to sabotage Jackie there for a minute, as her time kept ticking down and he sat there clueless.
“Jackie and Gigi together were so fantastic at passive-aggressive compliments they could be Southern grandmothers (a compliment I do not give lightly) and, once this season is over, should really consider a podcast dedicated solely to sweetly insulting other people.”
This was my take, too.