That ass, turned from the mirror, that is my ass. I love this love, love love it.
That ass, turned from the mirror, that is my ass. I love this love, love love it.
The summer I lived at the Jersey Shore, long, long ago, one of my roommates called me into her room to, what I assumed was give an opinion on an outfit, nope, she asked me to kill 1 of the 2 cockroaches we saw in the apartment all summer. I screamed, jumped and ran out of there. Cockroaches are the most disgusting of…
Oh! Two "z"s! Good looking out!
Hmm, most of the cat products of I seen are all just like "Cat - weight non-specific". I was vaguely tempted to put the dog's drops on poor Peter. I need to go to the prescription stuff, I suppose. We actually have a vet who still makes freaking house calls or meets us in parking lots to get the dog's steroids, he's…
I tried to scruff and bathe the littlest one last Saturday because she decide some oil that leaked from the lawn mower would be a pretty sweet place to lay. All I accomplished was ensuring my own destruction. She won't forget it. The baby might play nice, but the boy and the evil one will not, I have scars from the…
Just pretend next week didn't happen, because man, Christina Applegate's episode was so fucking good. Tears. Tears everywhere.
The Advantage-ing is done. A bomb has been dropped in my room, which is the only one showing significant populations. I have a feeling a lot of my tomorrow is going to be reserved for laundry and spraying. A big problem is that half of my parents' basement is dirt and it's a prime breeding ground for the little…
The bomb is the only answer. Bomb then vacuum, often, and wash everything. They are the worst, I'm dealing with them now. Godspeed.
I just got a cryptic message that the "bomb has been activated" and that "no survivors are expected" which is just one of the reasons my mom on prescription pain killers is so fun! It does me that when I stumble in the door, sometime around midnight, after working 16 hours, I'll have to sleep on the couch or change…
Thanks to my mom being in the hospital last week, and me spraining my back and spending most of the time lying on a heating pad, every damn animal in our house (4 cats, 1 dog) decided my room was the place to be. And, last night, flea party on my carpet! Son of a bitch. The carpet deodorizer I have kept them off of my…
Chelsea Handler irritates the shit out of me. I'm angry that she's going to be on my beloved Who Do You Think You Are? next week, apparently finding out that she's a Jew with a Nazi grandpa. I'm also scared that it will make me like her. DON'T MAKE ME LIKE HER!
Can I get crazy-rich so I can bend everyone to my will and have a costume-themed wedding? Please? Oh, pretty please! I'll even theme it loosely and easily, Hollywood Regency, perhaps? Too bad I can't reanimate and marry Gene Kelly, even though he'd think I was a lazy fatty with no work ethic who couldn't get a simple…
I narrowed things down to the aforementioned cat pillow and the short-sleeved jersey plus-size dress. There is so much want on there. So. Much. Want. But, lucyjae's a-movin' to Texas in a month, and she's not a-takin' lots of stuff with her.
You are very welcome.
Season 1 Willow: nausea-inducing, bordering on seizures