Yes, exactly like this.
Yes, exactly like this.
I got the fresh fruit bowl as a side to my turkey burger they other day, and I was on vacation! I felt like a, not a real hero, a food hero, I guess. Yes, a food hero, filled with free-range turkey burger and pineapple!
Yeah, in looking at the 90s Barbie, it just seems like the torso is narrower and the hips are larger now. It also looks like her hips might be able to support the rest of her body, so hooray for progress, I guess?
I have a similar problem with 6 o'clock thanks to a little song called "Do Me" by Misters Bell, Biv & Devoe. I assume it's not going anywhere as it's been around since the early 90s.
It was a sad, sad day when my last-ditch meal of Chicken McNuggets and chocolate milk failed me. And that was after my patented, sure-fire hangover cure of macaroni and cheese (the orange powdered kind) mixed with salsa, tuna and ranch dressing started forsaking me. Woe, woe unto the aging. Also, vodka makes me black…
My Uncle Jimmy is essentially what Bruce Willis would be if he weren't BRUCE WILLIS. Not that that's a bad thing, just you know young, 3rd wife (32 because he's not Bruce Willis), brand new baby, oldest of his 5 is nearly 40, really close to retirement. It helps that Paulie is the cutest kid on the planet Earth.…
That is particularly awful, and I sense that there were major problems there otherwise. My cousin Amy's little girl, well now teenager, is bi-racial and my n-word using uncle has certainly softened (not his grandchild, she's actually my second cousin), he treats her no differently than the other kids in the family and…
Perhaps, but in my experience, being from a racist extended family, the bi-racial kids that have come in, blood-related or otherwise, have only made the racists less racist. And while it's by no means the child or the adoptive parents' responsibility to be the teachers or shepherds of their backwards-thinking family…
I would think that if you truly wanted to be a parent, the point is to love and care for that child, and that a child of any race would be fine. But that's just my common sense talking, from a brain that pretty much wants to hand babies back as soon as they touch my hands. Well, except for my baby cousin Paulie, he…
You win, forever.
Since the jump stops after sex addiction, I thought this would be a wildly unsexy movie. You know, one that could actually treat sex addiction.
I have 41 minutes between my flight from Philly landing in Atlanta and my connecter to Austin taking off tomorrow. Somehow I missed that until just yesterday. That flight is also on time 30% of the time. Absolutely no way I'm making that, right? Thanks, Mercury.
So, every time, and it was a lot, that I typed "Whtie" today instead of "White", it was probably Mercury, right. Good to know.