Lucy Cooper

My countrymen, ladies and gentlemen.

The uniform (polo shirt, polyester suit trousers) with the fewest tint/lens powder stains, steel capped boots. Yay light industry! (Optics, for reference)

The moment those go on the NHS, I’ll be out of a job...

A lot of people, myself included, would lose our jobs if we did that. Yay capitalism!

Hm, yes. Also nixes my hope that I could glaze my own perscription into the eyecups with a little trial and error (I’m an optical tech; I make glasses for a living.). Here’s to hoping I can get my frames to fit inside the headset.

She doesn’t look neurotic to me so much as scared and in pain. If I saw that body language from my dog when I touched her I’d be calling the vet.

This is why we need to bring back grammar schools....

Paris mostly shuts down off season, has a major professional beggar issue, and a less than intuitive metro system, so beware that. On the other hand, it does largely feel safer at night than London (fewer drunks!), has more culture, and is prettier overall (not being flattened by the Luftwaffe will do that for a

That, ladies and gents, is Derwentwater in the Lake District. This planet please.

You _want_ to live on Catachen? *Adds Nicole to Scary Kinja People list.*

I was in it for the free internet, myself.

Once, and it was a waste of ten pounds I couldn’t afford to spend. It’s rare that I see a film and think, ‘I’ve written better fanfiction than that.’

Damn you SyFy for not showing this in the UK!

We’re British, we’re a knot of supressed emotions and creepy tendencies on a _good_ day.

Ooookaaay COD, that was un-necessarily nasty.

In other news, the Pope admits to Catholicism and scientists discover bear excreta in forested areas.

*facepalm* That is not what is meant by intestinal flora. Gut bacteria are _not_ plants, in any sense.

The ability to find anything.

Given the gross overuse of groundwater in much of the American midwest I can’t see this ending well.

Hubble visited the opticians; bought varifocals.