Lucy Cooper

My countrymen, ladies and gentlemen.

The uniform (polo shirt, polyester suit trousers) with the fewest tint/lens powder stains, steel capped boots. Yay light industry! (Optics, for reference)

The moment those go on the NHS, I’ll be out of a job...

Hm, yes. Also nixes my hope that I could glaze my own perscription into the eyecups with a little trial and error (I’m an optical tech; I make glasses for a living.). Here’s to hoping I can get my frames to fit inside the headset.

She doesn’t look neurotic to me so much as scared and in pain. If I saw that body language from my dog when I touched her I’d be calling the vet.

This is why we need to bring back grammar schools....

Paris mostly shuts down off season, has a major professional beggar issue, and a less than intuitive metro system, so beware that. On the other hand, it does largely feel safer at night than London (fewer drunks!), has more culture, and is prettier overall (not being flattened by the Luftwaffe will do that for a

I was in it for the free internet, myself.

We’re British, we’re a knot of supressed emotions and creepy tendencies on a _good_ day.

Ooookaaay COD, that was un-necessarily nasty.

In other news, the Pope admits to Catholicism and scientists discover bear excreta in forested areas.

What can I say? Screaming agony does tend to bring out the jolly old blitz spirit. :p

I’ve cocked up my back something fierce (picking up my rucksack, would you believe?); currently laid up in bed with a hot water bottle and the strongest NSAIDs the NHS can offer. Can anyone recommend some good anime series? I’ve tended to like slice of life stuff like Silver Spoon and Barakamon.

Milly - Minature labradoodle c. 9mths, two days before the groomer. She’s giving me that ‘where’s my supper’ look.

There’s a lot of double sided tape going into those outfits...

Half the problems with boobs in art seem to stem from the use of porn as a reference.

That appears to be My Little Pony by way of 40k; where did you find it?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that Americans are so cheerful as to be divorced from reality.

If it helps, hun, odds are your father choked that nurse because he was scared, not due to any fundamental character issues.

I seem to remember the weather in London being pretty shite that day, and the English East Coast often shares weather systems with Northern France and the Low Countries.