Lucy Cooper

I’d already passed the driver’s test by the time of this story so it probably doesn’t count, but bears some repeating. This is how I learned that one should never trust lorries.

Wouldn’t stop in Britain:

Mm. Driving my Civic down rural lanes is utterly arse numbing; I swear I can feel every piece of grit the wheels go over.

Other than must start and go without emptying my savings account at every MOT?

If the reversing sensors say no, that means no. Also, Renaults really do not like being left for more than a week.

Yep. I’m a country kid (insofar as Britain has all that much countryside); can’t parallel park to save my life. 

Glad to see ‘90's fashion was a hot mess on your side of the Atlantic as well.

Suggestion: go to your nearest army surplus and get the biggest rucksack that fits; use this to sherpa your groceries upstairs. Much easier on average than the juggling of shopping bags. Also works better than the bag dash if, like me, you have some sort of joint fuckery (N.B. not good for people with spinal issues!).

The Welsh one has a dragon; doesn’t mean they despoil villages and eat maiden sacrifices as a hobby.

Jesus. Please, tag your spoilers.

Thing is, I don’t think the books reference skin colour for the other half of her parentage (I think; I haven’t finished reading them yet. My reference is otherwise the videogames). If this goes the way I think it might, Netflix is about to open an entire other can of worms.

Eh. Nothing wrong with a bit of low level dread; British telly has been relying on it for decades. 

Dubiously co-ed. A lot of the older girls’ schools (Wycombe Abbey, Queen Anne’s, Benendon, Cheltenham Ladies’, Headington) are popular with parents precisely because there are no boys and therefore no theory. There is no drama like schoolgirl lesbian drama.

The education, at least in Britain, tends vastly better at private schools. Never mind that being away from your family is sometimes a good thing.

The Watsonian answer would be that the human gender binary means very little to a bunch of anthropomorphic space rocks. Aliens get to be alien.

Welp, that’s largely a bunch of underwhelming, tiddy-filled, pap (albeit with some male options). I mean, I might watch Hanebad!, even though it looks like none of the characters have discovered the sports bra, but that’s it.

I think it might have more to do with the extent to which the Tories are currently relying on the (rather God bothering) DUP to prop up their government. Not that anyone could accuse the Conservative Party of social liberalism, but they like to win more than almost anything else and fiascos like this are not going to

That’s more than a little chilling.

If I’m the only person in the house, then yes, otherwise Milly sleeps under the desk in the dining room.

Brit here. I watched it on BBC a few months ago; an hour of my life I will never get back. Seriously, Midsummer Murders, the Friday night junk food of British cop shows, has better acting and writing.