I want to say thanks for all the years of professional journalism and great articles. We all know incredible things are waiting for you around the corner. Keep on showing everybody else the meaning of being a good journalist.
I want to say thanks for all the years of professional journalism and great articles. We all know incredible things are waiting for you around the corner. Keep on showing everybody else the meaning of being a good journalist.
I’m reading everyone’s answers here and it seems nobody took the True Freedom ending seriously. Like he ditches everything and decides to go to space or something like that and says that the best you can do is follow your ambitions. I mean, the guy was a douche to both girls, but in the end, I always thought that the…
Spoilers, I guess...
You forgot this excellent recap of the series:
And that list of SpiderMan games is huuuuge. The video shows that the game looks amazing and all, but it seems that it’s just more of the same. Almost all of those web slinging technics and combat mechanics have already been seen in past games. Don’t get me wrong, the game looks amazing and Spidey games are super fun,…
There is a reason all those products are supplements. They can’t can’t excede certain chemical concentrations (otherwise they would have to demonstrate their effects to the FDA and such) and rarely do they comply with all the regulations established to officially be classified as drugs, so they get the “supplement”…
Oh god... Luckily for my life in general, I won’t have a PC capable of running this game. I’m saved!!!!
We live by this kind of reasoning in my country and it sucks. “You are lucky to be here. You are lucky you have this job. In fact, you are lucky you have a job at all. That is why I’m not gonna pay you shit, your are gonna work until I say so and you are gonna like it”. Please don’t let that happen to you, guys.
Just wanted to say that these guys rock, and they are really helpful if you have any problems.