I feel like here in Chicago there’s like a 3 week window during farmers’ market season where I buy them fresh, and they’re just fucking amazing. But it’s a very small window.
I feel like here in Chicago there’s like a 3 week window during farmers’ market season where I buy them fresh, and they’re just fucking amazing. But it’s a very small window.
The last time I flew United I was offered the choice of pretzels, a Stroopwafel or a Biscoff. Who takes the Biscoff in that group?? NO ONE, I tell you! Maybe they’re hoping the chocolate will persuade some people to go that direction, to ease the burden on the glorious Stroopwafel.
This is my issue, I think. I don’t know why I find it so difficult to stop mixing at the proper time, but I think I just need to work on my technique so I can mix thoroughly without overworking.
Yeah, we actually tried to try a second place, Biscuit Love, but a transformer had blown in the area, so it was closed that morning because it didn’t have power. I was sad to only experience one Nashville biscuit, but glad the one I did experience was very good.
I’m sure there will be someone here to tell me that this place is trash and I did it all wrong, but when I was in Nashville last summer, there was a biscuit place called Rise in between the hotel and the convention center, and we stopped there every damn day for an absolutely delicious breakfast sandwich. We…
It interesting, because wine was never a young person’s game for me. I studied abroad in France and wasted the entire time not drinking wine because I thought it was something my grandparents drank. My friends from Britain thought I was nuts, and let’s be honest, I was. But once I got to be in my late 20s, I drank the…
Yeah, I absolutely LOVE going to eat by myself, with my Kindle. It’s not because I feel less conspicuous, it’s because I enjoy reading. Reading, sipping on some wine, and waiting for a plate of steak frites? Heaven.
It was not, no. LOL. But I only needed it for a short time (I was leaving for a study abroad) and the doctor who prescribed it didn’t think to warn me about weaning myself off it it, so I just stopped taking it when I ran out.
It depends on whether you’re trying only to be healthy or if you’re also trying to lose weight. “Healthy” fat is still fat, at the end of the day, and depending on how your own body reacts and a number of other factors (for instance, cutting fat and processed sugar in my diet allowed me, personally, to KEEP all other…
Those are lovely, but my feet are definitely sweaty just LOOKING at them. :)
Some years ago in a (successful) attempt at weight loss, I worked with a trainer who told me no cheese, no peanut butter, no avocado. Cheese was the only one I ate with any regularity (it’s not like it was RARE for me to eat the other two, but they just weren’t daily staples), but I was honestly surprised by how…
There wasn’t anything wrong with it, per se, and I absolutely loved the montage that preceded it, but the whole thing was just confusing. I was legitimately thinking they had screwed up the montage given the long, LONG orchestral music playing over the 8 Mile footage, and then it was like “Oh, is that...Eminem? What?…
Admittedly, I spend a lot of my time reading feminist things, doing feminist thinking, and reading sci-fi and fantasy, so my perspective may be skewed. But while there’s nothing wrong with what Brit Marling is saying in this essay, it feels incredibly also-ran. We’ve been having the same discussion about “strong…
I’m all for a cheese board on a flight with some nice cheddar or gouda, but I bet that salami fucking stinks, which is a real dick move.
I would like to know everyone else’s ideal avocado toast. Mine is multigrain toast, avocado, salt, lemon juice, hot sauce and Everything But the Bagel seasoning.
And somehow people are never very happy about your “secret” being something real and tangible, and not some easy-fix diet. My “secret” was that I was working out 5 days a week and eating half of what I used to. That shut the conversation down right quick.
Fair! I can’t consume caffeine after 3pm (well, caffeine without booze in it, I guess) or it messes with my ability to fall asleep.
Yes, but the poster I was responding to wasn’t talking about Bluetooth headphones. They were talking about regular corded headphones.
Yes, thanks. However, most people don’t want to set a timer every hour to get up and randomly wash their hands. However, if your bladder is your timer, it’s much easier to do.
Very true, but water doesn’t have the negative benefit of getting all jacked up on caffeine, and also I can’t drink alcohol at work. LOL