
It is I, the water proselytizer. One unsung benefit of frequent hydration is that you have to pee a lot, which means you wash your hands a lot. During cold and flu season it can be a really big boon to keeping you healthy because you’re washing your hands much more often, helping to eliminate hand germs, which is the

I effing love this Takeout feature. This was wonderful, Jacob! Extremely interesting and educational!

Yes, I could exchange being very occassionally briefly worried about losing one for once again being literally tethered to my phone when talking to someone or listening to music or a podcast. And also that super fun task in the winter of having to layer a coat and scarf on just-so, so that the wires aren’t trapped

I keep mine in, because I’m terrified of losing one, but I also make it a point to tell the cashier that they’re off and they have my full attention

I don’t even mind babies crying so long as the parent is attempting to soothe the baby. Like some people who just have a loud laugh, babies cry. It’s fine. But if the parents are just letting them sit there and scream, THEN we’re going to have a problem.

I have way, WAY less if an issue with ambient restaurant noise, like plates and people talking, and far more of an issue with restaurants that blast music at a volume where it’s hard to hear someone sitting across from you. 

From time to time, I used to get unexplained rashes on my arms. The last time I had one, I went to the doctor and he asked me what products I was using, and I told him I was using Eucerin lotion and sensitive skin body wash. He told me that a lot of lotions like Eucerin (and CereVe, I think?), tend to irritate a lot

I also thought all bagels were only fine until I moved to NYC, and then I was like ok, I can’t get on board with NYC’s pizza superiority, since I love all kinds of pizza, but they’ve got something with their bagels that no one can beat (sorry, Montreal).

Because the texture of a toasted bagel is still 98% the texture of an untoasted bagel, with a little bit of crisp in between the cream cheese and the bagel that some people find texturally pleasing? A bagel doesn’t taste like regular bread, nor does a toasted bagel have anything remotely resembling the texture of

Kevin Draper had the correct take when he pointed out forget the toasting, what kind of crazy person orders extra cream cheese with the ludicrous amount that most bagel places put on the bagel? I love cream cheese, but I ask for light cream cheese and still end up scraping some off, usually.

Oooh, pine nuts! I don’t like walnuts, so I was thinking about what other nut I could use, so thank you! :)

Seconded on Underwood. It’s my go-to for movies...I like all the varieties, but the Pinot Noir is my favorite.

I hope they leave the Dance as morally ambiguous as it is in the book. They probably won’t, because TV seems to want to deal with more of a firm dichotomy of good and evil, but like, everyone in the Dance of the Dragons is awful. Some more so than others, but it’s fun to read because everyone is just so blatantly and

I hope they leave the Dance as morally ambiguous as it is in the book. They probably won’t, because TV seems to want to deal with more of a firm dichotomy of good and evil, but like, everyone in the Dance of the Dragons is awful. Some more so than others, but it’s fun to read because everyone is just so blatantly and

At our office we have birthday treats once a month, and the receptionist asks all that month’s birthday people for their requests. Without fail, every month someone asks for the banana pudding from Magnolia. If one can’t get to Miss Carter, Magnolia should be considered a viable alternative.

Yes, but a tavern-style pizza has far more pieces than a triangle cut slice. So, one could technically feed more people a smaller amount.

Tavern style does not typically have a ring of crust, no, but many other “thin crust” styles do. But “thin” refers to the whole crust, not just the outer edge.

Also, the Merriam Webster version:

I have never heard anyone refer to the bottom part of a pizza as “crust.”

The crust is the entire foundation in which the pizza is built, not just the edges. :) If you have good tavern style pizza, the middle piece isn’t soggy, it’s on the same stable, crisp crust as the rest of the pizza.