Why didn't I learn this in sex ed???? :(
Why didn't I learn this in sex ed???? :(
Scientist SMACKDOWN!
What happened to your 50-60 pages of citations?
Ben Linus fanclub reporting for duty!
The routine overall was fantastic and the staging was excellent, but I agree with the judges. He didn't actually do much in terms of dancing. He did a lot of foot shuffling while being danced around.
As an ed policy person, I just can't get over the talking point: "our kids should be the focus of our education system." Instead of...what alternative?!
Oh my god, the acting in these is so bad, I'm dying.
Orphan Black returns to our TV screens on April 19th and it looks like this season is going to be amazing. The…
I worry about this because in the past I have kissed girls and had a fumbly almost threesome where I didn't go below the belt. I worry that I was doing this for the benefit/attention of the men around me, but looking back I think (and maybe I'm just trying to justify this to myself) that although I do not identify as…
Lol, just when you think the trolls can't get any stupider….they double down and make you laugh:)
Sorry, you are actually kidding right? You can't tell the difference between an apple, a banana or a pear and a fucking "fruit" snack?
I'm just really bad at being a troll. Sigh.
No. I am in no way claiming that. I am claiming that they are hilarious and easy to make fun of. This post, like every post in this series, exists entirely for entertainment purposes.
Either this is satire, or this is the most laughably stupid comment I've ever received on these.
if its created in a lab its fake. If it comes from the ground or an animal, its real.
The ingredients and the nutritional value.
I agree with you on all of these!
I feel like you seriously missed out by not including Go-Gurt. Because who doesn't want to eat unnaturally brightly colored yogurt from a tube! Also the two-tone Trix yogurt.
No, I'm a scientist and I actually think that the misuse of antibiotics is a huge public health issue, and along with anti-vaccination idiots, the sort of nonsense that's probably going to end our civilization. But trying to teach the American public science is harder than teaching a dog Cantonese, and so faced with…