
First of all, I'm not sure what your issue with Cory Monteith is. "...Fuck, he's in the same breath as [Cory] Monteith now." He was by all accounts a great guy and I'm not even a Glee fan per se but I recognize that he had a lot of talent and many fans will miss him.

For those of us who are on Facebook and Twitter today who have also lost loved ones to heroin overdose regardless of however many people have died that way before them, seeing shit like this is not only totally retraumatizing, but trivializing, insulting, and deeply hurtful.

My brother wasn't stupid. His death wasn't

You use the school lunch story to demonstrate your point that there are more important things in life? And save Syria for the end? Isn't the school lunch story trivial and incidental when compared to Syria? Have you not hypocritically demonstrated the point that you're attempting to shame other people for?

Didn't Jezebel just have an article about Kristin Bell and Dax Sheppard calling for a boycott of publications that run pictures of celebrity kids? This boy just lost his father, let's not put his picture all over the internet.

How cynical can you be that you dislike a yearly program featuring adorable puppies playing with toys that helps raise money for animal rescue?

Seconded. I think shipping Harry and Hermione both undermines how great it is to see a strong male/female friendship and takes Hermione from a dominant relationship position with Ron and makes her second to Harry. No bueno.

Kyosuke, your articles are always amazing, clear, and insightful. I'm glad to see you on the mainpage. The world needs more trans voices where they can be heard.

I know! And Maru was described as blasé . There is no better way to describe Maru.

Now playing

Team Cat did it better! Er, wait. Équipe de chats a fait mieux!

Twice a day? No way, too much water usage, even with a low-flow! So, now I wonder how much of these attitudes are dependent on your geographical location - we're drought-prone so the idea of all of that precious, precious water going down the drain is anathema to me!

Lindy, as a gerontologist, I can guarantee you that, barring dementia, older people are capable of learning new things. You have nothing to be afraid of in terms of growing older in that regard.

I don't watch the Olympics, but I'd watch that.

"(Shepherd has the right to keep her thoughts to herself)"


"I'm more swayed by the fact their products are formulated without aluminum, parabens or talc."

Sweaty underboob is pretty damn sucky.

Wow, the Bieber news just comes as such a complete shock.