
I don't understand how your supposed to get the above imaged meal in your mouth.

@Frequenter: But then you would eat the business card and lose his number! I know I wouldn't be able to help but eat the jerk as soon as I got it.

Grocery day must suck. Unless they shop really light.

@muffstuff: @A Ferret: I don't know about OP but when i used winamp back in highschool i discovered the streaming video feeds that contained a quite large selection of free porn. That was pretty much the only way i watched porn for the longest time.

@Dethzilla: i see what you did there.

@nowXorXnever: That is genious. Thanks for the idea, people always try to friend me that I would rather not friend but I still don't want to offend them.

@smackela: Who do you think gets the money? RIAA lawyers and bigshots. This is about getting money plain and simple. The artists get little to nothing of the money made in a law suite.

@Mount_Pious: I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid i can't dispense that.

@EvanSei lets boogaloo!: I think I might worry about out of the way vending machines but I'm sure vending machines in high traffic areas are serviced regularly. I see someone in almost everyday stocking the machines at work.

Ferrets are ugly now? I thought they were at least twice as a adorable as puppies.

what I don't get is... Doesn't HULU pay NewsCorp to get their content? Why should Hulu be blocked as well, newscorp is presumably still getting their money through that avenue. regardless of whether or not cablevision is paying to have their content through their CABLE service.

@diasdiem: Thats an excellent question. I wouldn't know how to find child porn if I did want it. I imagine it's hidden in secret parts (there was a name for them or something, black nets or dark nets, idk, but search engines don't crawl through there and you can't find links to the pages) of the web. You probably

@BonnyKay: Me to. Just so that whoever has to go through my computer can waste there time opening "suspicious" files and finding nothing but pictures of care bears or something.

@waclark57: @subafly: Meh, anything that is "Victorian era" inspired or "Art Deco" inspired, is called steampunk now a days. Also most retrofuturism often gets lumped in there to as far as a lot of people are concerned. Pretty much Old + tech that doesn't exist == steampunk.

@Sl8ter13: I very well could be wrong as I have NOT looked at the written law and don't intend to, but I don't think thats how it works.

@CaptJ: It depends on the content and what your doing with it. If the bulk of what you do is spent at home on your desktop, then yes, cloud is a waste of your time and money.

@jddf: @togenshi: You know all they really have to do is get the images from one of the UKs numerous cameras. There was probably some point were the image of this kid typing in his password bounced off of an externally visible window. All they have to do is enhance that a few thousand times and watch the

agreed. The legal system is so fucked up in this regard and needs to be updated. I could cry kitten blood every time i hear a bout some poor 16 year old kid going to jail because his/her significant other of the same age sent them a picture of their privates. If they can legally have sex i don't see why they can't

@jethro1138: thats amazing and if the amazon price is the norm, not entirely out of my price range. I was expecting some crazy 600 dollar contraption lol.