
Go have a seat Amy. It’s clear you didn’t take notes, or do the required reading before you started your project. F-

Wishlist includes: Ava DuVernay, Katherine Point mutherfning Break Bigelow oh and Amanda Bearse for the win.

Didn’t think it was possible to have a full body shudder and burst out laughing at the same time...but here we are.

I just wish in this one instance Street Fighter was real, because I would love to spinning pile drive his dumba$$ into oblivion, or hundred burst kick

Did...did she just? I'm done here *heads to liquor cabinet*

The flood was all like “I’m going to get you, and your little dog too” and the rescuer was all like “Nah bro not with those negative vibes man”

As a die hard GB can I was rooting for this, I mean he fact that ppl had issues with an all female cast is bull. The movie was really good.

Smh he sounds like a real standup guy, I'd bet money he made some sort of inappropriate remark as he did it.

I'm done with the internet for the day you win...btw thanks for making me snort laugh at work.

11,300 untested rape kits abandoned? Where's a table flipping gif when you need one

I'm done for the day, I'm just shredded

As a toddler I literally almost died from this, it’s an ultra rare strain of the flu that caused my epiglotitis. I spent 3 days in a medically induced coma and 2.5 weeks in the hospital. At that age the chance of survival is minimal but here I am 31 years later

I also thank you

In other making you look weak and pathetic news

Good...and by good I mean good gravy that's the biggest load of liquefied horse sh*t I've heard today

Finally a reason to see a F&F movie...she’ll definitely class the joint up, and hopefully get in a few kills alá REDS

Failing to see how that's not an awesome thing, but I must ask. Is the cheese fancy?