
The situation did not call for any sort of shooting at all. And a rifle requires a certain amount of care to use properly, meaning he made the conscious choice to take aim and fire and fire accurately on children without any real reason or confirmation of wrongdoing.

I didn’t know that! Thanks!

I think the aspect of tech you’re referring to is in the same camp as the politicians I was referring to. My reference to coders was under the assumption that were technological engineers and not shady policy makers in tech in the tech industry. Obviously coding can be used as a tool of oppression much as anything can

Not sure what point you’re trying to make

It’s both. All of them. Save the frustrating people from themselves. And also everyone else from them.

But a flaw in the code can be identified and fixed. Yeah someone could die in an accident caused by an error in coding but you still eventually identify the problem and try to fix it. You can’t reverse the fact that you let people die— even though you could easily provide them with live-saving measures, so on

but how do we protect the more impressionable among us from the mass gaslighting?

It could either be seen as unsavory and out of touch or just kind of honest. Liking getting free stuff is probably about one of the most relatable things celebrities express.

I heard he owned a hoodie


Well maybe the system itsself is what merits criticism? The only reason why things are SO complicated and to begin with is to try to keep the government small, privileged, and opaque instead of actually being functional and accessible.

That’s quite generous considering they’re coming for us so rabidly

Why does this man’s face so strongly resemble a baby skull?

not everyone is a gun nut

New details from the night reveal that Oliver got his rifle from the patrol car after another officer thought he heard shots fired from nearby the house.

Except that kid is going around pants-ing people and stealing shit. And all the teachers have been locked in the gym and replaced by weird old bums who hang out in a van parked near the soccer field. And not only will he not be providing candy they will take as much of your candy away from you as possible, and then

Yeah have also had the Italian excuse used on me for being overly affectionate, for being constantly late/forgetful, for always taking the biggest bite of my food, and for having a nasty temper. I mean, yes a person can have all these traits, but can a stereotype?

and posts Marilyn Monroe quotes once a week?

That was actually the number one reason William chose her out of all of his many suitors. Little known fact: a good sense of balance factors heavily into eligibility for royal marriage

I’ve smoked a joint in the bath a few times but believe me if I could do it in the shower, I would.