Huh, thanks for the suggestion. Wouldn't have thought of using dishwashing detergent. Will have a look when I'm looking for Thai Crystal. (brands may well be different here though).
Huh, thanks for the suggestion. Wouldn't have thought of using dishwashing detergent. Will have a look when I'm looking for Thai Crystal. (brands may well be different here though).
Thanks for that, not heard of it but will have a look around.
She suggests doing just that :)
Eh? Not really. I'm sure a large percentage of the marketers and package designers are women. And there's plenty of marketing bullshit that is directed at men as well.
Yeah pit stains from deodorant/antiperspirant are a bugger on white shirts. Tried using vanish on them to no avail :/
"When it comes to deodorant, sunscreen, moisturizer, and razors, check ingredients and buy the cheaper dude version."
Yup. I think it's fine to mention in the same breath that she's a porn performer and he's a MMA. It's what they do and what they're known for - and you're right that to omit what she does for a living, when it would be included for other people (f.ex teaching assistant killed in driving accident) does have overtones…
Calm down dear.
"Focus on a hobby. Another thing you can try is to focus on doing something you enjoy. This is a great trick for when you're having lustful thoughts at home or in other areas where your temptation is within yourself and not from an outside cause. Having an activity which is mobile is especially helpful, since these…
Sophisticated for its age? It's sophisticated for now. :p
I will just repeat this here: "So yes, I am aware you said 'masculine' not 'men' - I am aware they not interchangeable words, but I am also aware many people use them interchangeably. I had no way of knowing if you are one of these people because I do not know you personally."
Well, as a kid I liked Donatello the most, but kids are fickle, and he may have been my favourite because I like purple.
Well, she's not wrong.
You're being ridiculous.
"I have not seen any real feminist criticism of misandry within their ranks. Maybe you can show it to me or describe how you're totally not like that."
<3 This is the internet, and coarse and combative happens all the time. Apologies don't. Thanks for taking the time to respond (and read it!) I was a bit put out with the "yeah but you're not going into specifics" or "your reply is a cop-out stuff" so thought, right then, have that ;)
Uh yeah...
You emphasise the gameplay - and that's fine. Yeah it has to be fun, though, I dunno, I'd go for engaging, be precise, *immersive*. I'll put up with a game mercilessly torturing me if I'm involved enough. If it's engaged me enough I will have a emotionally harmful BSDM relationship with that fucker.…
No, what I'm asking isn't unreasonable (largely, innovation, an emphasis on story and writing) and the reason I want them is not because I feel "entitled" to more depth, better stories, etc - simply those are the things that appeal to me.