
Doesn't surprise me at all. There's been studies that the same actions/mannerisms from babies were interpreted in different ways by caregivers as well I think (like if a baby wanted attention, the 'pink' babies were cuddled and cooed at and the 'blue' babies were played with and tickled).

No, it's not a competition about who has it worse. And no offence, but I think you might be basing your views about feminism based on stuff you've read here on Jezebel or tumblr, or wherever. It's not about man-hating. I'm not going to deny there's not some toxic views flying around from both 'sides', on the cesspit

"Actually she didn't keep her promise since it's taken much much longer than she claimed in her kick starter and also thoroughly researched? what a joke."

Yes, obviously the game being good is the main priority. Opinions on what makes a game good is going to differ according to preferences though (such as you preferring Gears of War 3 to The Sims).


In fairness, I hadn't really taken multiplayer into account, as I've only played minecraft single player.

Ok... but... if the problem is it being "a waste of time, money and effort" then you'll just get indifference, and a refusal to change and "it's just business"...right? That's not the same as hostility and a backlash. (While I'll admit there's plenty of indifference, there's a lot of negative strong feeling as

"At £3.24, it's definitely worth a go. It does lots of things well, and fails when they try to shoehorn traditional game elements into it. The freerunning stuff works to spectactular effect, and the game's aesthetics are amazing. It's almost worth buying to try and encourage EA to publish more innovative titles

...shallow stereotypes?

I think part of the point is that it's so easy to do, no?

There's a sliver of hope, I think. While there's a disappointing backlash of childish misogyny amongst the gaming community, there's also more awareness fermenting. Indy games are producing interesting things, and there are quite a few breakthrough hits from this quarter. Also, a lot of the 'old school' generation

"(Shout out to my mother and mother-in-law, who probably just closed this tab like it was radioactive.)"

Theme Park



Chastity was trolling Washko. ;)

hahahaha. 'hardcore' hahaha.

Yep, he is made of both awesome and win. Link to the inclusion of gay and bisexual characters in Dragon Age post:

Minecraft is not 'a boys game', in the same way that lego bricks aren't gender oriented (though granted, the lego people can be which is probably comparable to Steve). Those little toe-rags need a stern talking to.

"(how'd that turn out by the way...)"