

Oh, the pretty fat ginger furballs! D:

Yup. I know it may sound elitist, but I don't care:

"Sorry, Lindy. I know you'd like to think that's how it is for a majority of white male supremacist gamers, but they really only care about the quality of the game."

"I've been gaming for 28 years. I've said it before and it bears repeating: I've probably been gaming a lot longer than a chunk of these dudebros who whine about the statistic and insist that "females don't play games" have even been alive. "

While I can see the argument that representation is important, no I don't think it should be a forced 50/50 thing, dictated to from on high. The important thing is recognizing that, in terms of triple As, it's largely churning out the same kind of stuff to the same demographic.

Honestly, the voice acting is the reason I've heard cited most for a preference for FemShep amongst guys I know.

<3 Bethesda. I've always loved the Elder Scrolls since I first played Daggerfall. They are fantastic games.

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Sure. And you're right on the scared teenage boys front as well I think - it's not just women who aren't being seen as a marketable demographic, it's older guys as well. The people who were playing games once in their teens and 20s are now in their 30s and 40s and well...shit is seeming a bit juvenile to them now.

Haha wow. So "He smells of fish and pure mean asshole" - does that mean, he IS a mean asshole, and smells of whatever someone who is a mean asshole would smell of, or, literally, he smells OF asshole. A *mean* (presumably red and angry) asshole. Is her nose currently anywhere near his asshole? Cause that would

Heh! That's amazing. But if it was on my nails it'd get crushed in about two seconds flat :( My actual finger nails get damaged in short order, let alone some great big 3D thing sticking out of them. (First door frame I encountered - splut)

As an aside, regarding the dehumanizing aspect (separate to the trolling aspect) I make it a general policy not to give real life info or photos to people online. I used to play games online and over the years, guys have harassed me for pics or whatever (it gets very boring very fast).

I am not excusing the behaviour (and neither, do I think, is the comic strip, which is a particularly well-observed joke). But it does help explain the process of detachment which enables people to act this way when they seem otherwise decent.


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Heh...Well, tbh, it's a bit hard to relate to your list as all my undies are whatever undies.

Haha. In fairness, I doubt Kim Kardashian has trundled down to the local photo booth and put her change in for it to shit out a horrific badly-lit passport-sized photo. I expect it's been done professionally... as has her hair, make-up, etc.

"But you shouldn't have to settle for discomfort."

I'm fairly tolerant and reasonable about most things, I think. This kind of mindless cruelty at something helpless though? Nope.

Nice photo, but kebabs from takeaways in the UK don't look like that :p They look like this:

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Aw, obnoxious teens with superpowers and no Nathan from Misfits?