lucifers hands

I’ll shakespeare you if you’re not careful!

You can’t go vegan until you decide you are gluten intolerant

I’ve no idea, I don’t know what time zone you’re in!

I’ve no idea, I don’t know what time zone you’re in!

Haha, classic!

I’d go back to the drawing board with that one

I think it proves how bad they are if you’re checking kinja during your marathon

I think it proves how bad they are if you’re checking kinja during your marathon

Try saying that to the cheese burger eating monster that is Del Toro

Your PC should be able to tell the difference and it will optimize your ssd instead of using defrag. Are you using win 10?

Nope, you optimize your ssd, not defrag. Windows 10 can tell the difference, not sure if earlier iterations can

They don’t get targetted as much as macs take up a small percentage of the computer market worldwide. And for some people here, the world extends outside of North America. Also, of that percentage, the vast majority of businesses use windows.

Macs are slower and clunkier than Windows, so not really.

Nah, you’re better off without any anti-virus, Avast is just as bad as any I’ve seen. Learning how to tweak your computer and remove malware is easy

Christ yeah, how uninformed is the author of this? The best computer security is yourself, avoid dodgy links and sites. Defender and windows firewall do a perfectly good job. You’re better off educating yourself on how to clean up malware, than paying for something that will slow your computer down. And formating, I

The middle one is gammy, the other 2 are savage

I’ve heard that before and remember it’s also used in paediactrics still. I don’t know what kind of a dose I’ve taken compared to a clinical one.

I’ll view through you if you’re not careful

Ah no, of course. Wasn’t disagreeing with you at all!

Without the trip? That’s the best bit! Might not be the cure for depression, but it’s why I love psychedelics

I never felt acid would be good for depression, although I’ve probably taken too much. Where you not worried about a bad trip because of the depression? Or were you taking weak doses? What do you mean by 4 doses? We always took them in blotter trips or occasionally microdots, of course you never knew how strong it was

I’ll painstakingly restore you if you’re not careful