Wowsers. I’m gonna say I’m gonna buy this, but I’m betting it’s USA/NA only.
Wowsers. I’m gonna say I’m gonna buy this, but I’m betting it’s USA/NA only.
Wowsers. I’m gonna say I’m gonna buy this, but I’m betting it’s USA/NA only.
Wowsers. I’m gonna say I’m gonna buy this, but I’m betting it’s USA/NA only.
And another important thing about vaccines, some if not most of the inoculated diseases are more of a threat to adults.
What a bloody weird article. Not once does it mention the name of the game in the article. Not bloody once. I’ve no idea what it is.
Yep, nothing story and all!
Unfortunately it’s the likes of these posts (Kotaku articles etc.), that bring more attention to a non-story and that leads the trolls to the victim
I have a problem with that, that’s not EA’s fault though. Nor do I have a problem with them mistakenly using a twitter handle.
I’m not really seeing a problem here
I’m too old for shit games, I’m an adult and don’t have much time for games, so they’d want to be good. I also beat bloodborne
Any recommendations for a mystery anime? From any era, but with an ending, something that doesn’t drag on when they run out of ideas
Haha, the only thing I think of when I think of Scandanavia is the likes of Euronymous, Grishnachk, Samoth etc.
It’s like Fargo meets, um...
I’ve been on the NMS reddit very regularly. The toxicity is mainly from the fan boys defending the game. You can’t criticise it in any way on that reddit, without being attacked
I’d add Children of Men, Lost in Translation and About a Boy as films that should be on no best of list
Ok, I’ll bite. What’s g-rated?
First I’ve heard of this, so maybe we’ll get subnautica
You might not be such a fan if you were aware just how much he likes goats
I’ll be seeing the pair of them together in a couple of weeks
I don’t like men and I don’t like the sea
Funnily enough, Kyoto still looks like that, well at least the area I stayed in