lucifers hands


Yep, nothing story and all!

Unfortunately it’s the likes of these posts (Kotaku articles etc.), that bring more attention to a non-story and that leads the trolls to the victim

I have a problem with that, that’s not EA’s fault though. Nor do I have a problem with them mistakenly using a twitter handle.

I’m not really seeing a problem here

I’m too old for shit games, I’m an adult and don’t have much time for games, so they’d want to be good. I also beat bloodborne

Any recommendations for a mystery anime? From any era, but with an ending, something that doesn’t drag on when they run out of ideas

Haha, the only thing I think of when I think of Scandanavia is the likes of Euronymous, Grishnachk, Samoth etc.

It’s like Fargo meets, um...

The first time I saw it was one of the cuts with the voice over, before the directors cut. I would have assumed that Deckard was a human that time. For me, both work, but what sticks with me is now that Deckard is a Nexus 6 or beyond.

No he never finds out himself, but for me it’s one of those things that once seen, it cannot be unseen. And then it’s obvious on every other watch.

Well until I see that interview with Scott dismissing it, I’ll take it as a visual clue to Deckard being a replicant :)

It’s an interesting concept. I’d like to try it with still photograpy, if it’s possible

Well that may be debatable, but the clue was put there by the director and the cinematographer. That 99.9999% would need to take it up with them, one of which is dead.

Here’s Jordan Cronenweth explaining the process of identifying the replicants visually in a little more detail

I thought I saw an explanation with Cronenwerh or his son saying it was due to light refraction caused by angled glass or mirror off camera

I suppose I’ll have to revisit some of the cuts with voice overs!

You’re grasping here. The eye reflection is the visual clue on replicants and he’s never said it wasn’t. It was put in intentionally by use of mirrors and lighting. They didn’t go to all that trouble for nothing. And if they did, they would have done it with the human characters too.

It is in the movie, he put it in the original edits. He further solidified it in the Directors Cut. People are either not aware of the visual clue or choose not see it

I won’t argue with the logic, merely pointing out that there are sequels. They are endorsed by the foundation so that gives them some legitimacy. I’ve yet to read them myself