lucifers hands

Do they not need to take pictures for evidence and so they’re not accused of any wrong doing? Hence, lots of police now have attached cameras and video cameras to their vests

My PS3 is in heaven now, which is a shame cos there’s so many games I’d like to play. Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1 for e.g., but I’ve moved onto 4's pastures and I can’t justify paying for 2 systems

Moo. I get the context, the point still stands. It doesn’t stop any milk alternatives being processed to shite

I enjoyed it and I hate the originals. But I don’t really feel it’s something worth revisiting. It’s more of a cinema film, go for the spectacle

A film I have to watch, so bad it’s good. I watched troll 1 or 2 for that reason, unfortunately it was just so bad it’s bad

So, then this is a pointless exercise that was rushed post production? Or have they filmed it twice, once in colour and once under those conditions? I’m not trying to be smart, I’d like to know how it works

I’m certain you can do this on VLC, like you said, why do I need to buy another copy. And even if it’s the silent movie dub ala The Artist, can’t I just my sound off and play piano while watching it?

Morgan Yon and Paul Dainton win the prize

I thought it was delayed till 2017? Or am I mistaken?

And you don’t think almond, soy, coconut or any other alternative to milk isn’t processed? ;p

The difference between coconut milk and water, it has potassium and loads and loads of sugar. You can get more potassium from a banana, it’s cheaper too. Plus with the fibre from the banana, you’ll absorb the sugar slowly, whereas with coconut milk, straight into the system. And water hydrates as well as coconut milk.

It’s a scam the same as soy milk. It’s processed to the point that it’s not good for you and loaded with sugar. Can you not get lacto free cow’s milk in your country? I’m not promoting cow’s milk either, I don’t drink it for a medical reason.

Ignore the troll, he’s at the same shit on pretty much every thread on Kinja, that or threatening to kill himself when he’s put in his place

I thought you couldn’t transfer files to the hard drive?

I’d love to know the thinking behind the name. No joke or anything implied, genuinely interested, seems an odd name for an exploratory vessel

Other than rimming, is there space docking in the game?

What kind of an infantile reply is that? Where’s yours? If you don’t have one you’re not entitled to an opinion, whether you agree with the military or not. Incredulous...