lucifers hands

I’m guessing it’s the end unless they are developing more content, which is just speculation at this stage. How hard would it be for them to tweet that their is more to come. They’ve been completely silent since there was criticism of the game, so I’m not inspired with much confidence.

Yeah, like imagine they promised some wonderful reveal at the end. And you can only really experience the game truly if you grind and grind your way to the end. Wouldn’t it be terrible if there was nothing at the end and people felt hard done by wasting all that time

I’d be concerned about Dishonored 2, but then I found the first one poor and generic and really overhyped

There are laws against false advertising. Comparing a cheap bag of crisps to a high priced game is meaningless.

What about the promise of the centre of the universe? You’ll need more than 10 hrs to make it there. Of course once you get there unless you’ve read spoilers, you’re going to be throwing your controller at the screen

I was certain I bought MGS and MGS 2 on PS Store for PS4, must have been PS3

Out of curiosity. Do you have to ask the publisher for permission to print pictures/spoilers?

Difference between sociopath and psychopath. Sociopath is learned and a psychopath is born that way. So basically you are saying that sociopaths become that way from playing games.

False advertising

Me neither. In fact I remember it as a young adult piece of fiction. Although maybe I’m going mental

Nope. I bought 4 of them and they all work perfectly to this day. My other PSPs broke the second the warranty expired

Just watching the start of that I found it a bit tedious, but different strokes and all that

Are those reviews popular? I never watched them

Whats weirder is that a game like Space Football makes the list, yet Speedball 2 doesn’t?


Hmmm, when I read HP, I think Lovecraft. Not Potter

Can’t say I’m interested in even one of the films on this list.

I was certain it was in Moscow and I was on it. Either way it was an outrageously long escalator. Going down it was like staring into the Abyss!

I can’t sleep on planes, or any upright seat.

You are a paedophile