
I see my comment to the very sad individual below has disappeared.

Exactly. Now I’m getting swarmed by the “Don’t be a victim blamer” squad, who seem hell-bent on ignoring the fact that Shia LaBeouf is not an unknown quantity. He has a public record available to anyone with the common sense to look him up first.

This. This aspect puzzles me. Yes, this is kind of victim-blaming, but “Shia Labeouf” has been synonymous with “dumpster fire” for the past decade or so. If I see a skunk, I’m not going to run over and try to cuddle it.  

I’m a random internet commenter, not a website providing coverage.

No, thank you. You could just not give her attention! Jezebel refuses to not give attention to bad actors, it’s like a microcosm of MSM Trump coverage in 2015-2016. You can mock, or treat it like a sideshow, or even condemn, but you’re STILL. GIVING. THEM. ATTENTION. which is all that matters. Just STOP DOING IT.

Normally I’m of the opinion “it’s her life, let her spend her money how she wants”, but Cardi. Girl, read the damn room. The fact that she didn’t think about how that tweet was going to go over when so many people are out of work and in danger of being evicted makes me think she’s not that smart.

She treats her followers like friends? With friends who tweet about ridiculously overpriced handbags in the midst of a pandemic, and then try to justify it by bitching about not getting enough kudos for donating to charity, who needs fucking enemies.

I know you guys enjoy posting about this idiot for the clicks and

they were beyond tiresome before the pandemic. I really hope after this is done we don’t go right back to the same mind-numbing bullshit that got us apathetic and uninvolved in the first place.

Yet more proof that once someone becomes rich, that is the first pillar of their identity - rich first, everything else second. Maybe it has something to do with the sort of sociopathy and/or self-centeredness that is required to get super rich, but almost without fail when given the option between doing the right

The other difference between 2016 and 2020 is that while people were beyond shocked that Trump won, people didn’t flat out deny it and threaten bureaucrats’ wives for certifying the election and there wasn’t a circus of legal challenges. The questions came in the form of in what ways and how much did Russia help the

Neither important or crucial. I don’t know if it’s her or her PR team but I’m legitimately impressed with how untouchable she is to some people. It’s her money and she absolutely can do what she likes, just maybe read the room/entire world.

I’ve never understood why people think McConaughey is so deep. He’s many other things, I’m sure, but deep is not one.

Celebrity hot takes in the middle of a pandemic are beyond fucking tiresome. Cardi B & Matthew McConaughey, I’m looking at you.

Was it a bit insensitive? Sure. But what truly pisses me off is that disgusting swine of human cat fishing piece of shit Yashar Ali immediately jumped on to “drag” for being an out of touch rich person when his local twitter queen Chrissy Tiegan STAYS flaunting her wealth in the most insensitive ways. Ms. Omg my mom

That messy bun is more like a flaming hot mess.

Native NY’er here. You don’t need to tell me what a colossal piece of shit it he is. His excesses and abuses as mayor and his failures leading up to 9/11 are well known to me. 

...thinking “I have done this on purpose”...”

When he leaned over to her like “uh, you’re looking a little crazy right now”, I laughed for a solid minute.

I wonder if Rudy is just happy at not being the most insane person in a room for 5 minutes.