
That Gawker article though… 

Can’t help but think we are only following this story because the black man involved is relatively well-off and has some measure of fame. If this was just some random guy and his son who happened to be black, let alone (for example) a poor black family, or a guy who had any kind of police record, or an employee of the

Yep. If I worked at that hotel I would never trust that manager’s decision making ever again.

Taking the word of a bag lady over a hotel guest?

I don’t like to see people lose their jobs in this pandemic, but-

Nail on the head... with a bullet.

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

And more Hilaria ensues.

This Hilaria stuff is so fascinating. Like, girl...?

I’m not being sarcastic when I say that other than having contracted covid, I have been sick far less this year. I’m knocking wood now, but as someone with a severely compromised immune system, to be sick only half the year was an amazing step up.  

I had a 16-year-old employee of mine say that she refuses to go anywhere without a mask, because she knows masks SLOW the spread of COVID, and has several family members who are doctors, and therefore respects that they need to stay as healthy as possible. (She even made a comment that she normally is sick this time

I love Emma Thompson. That is all.

me too but now I feel I should get into unboxing toys on youtube if anyone wants to see a 50 year old do that

This suggests that — at least now  it may be not at all mutual.

This is, honestly, just classic hybristophelia. She “sees the real him”; she is involved with someone who cannot currently cheat on her, but she doesn’t need to actually do difficult relationship work; she’s the only one he really cares about, &’s sad, but really not that unusual.

That whole Elle article was just a list of red flags and him priming her to accept being manipulated by him.

Pretty sure this is one of those relationships that happen when you romanticize the joker and harley quinn.

Speaking of taking responsibility...


The President is not magic.