
This. I can understand twerking. Twerk where you will my friends. But I’m Canadian, from Toronto. Restaurants are fucking closed here. Everything is fucking closed here. We have less deaths than you. Lots less. How are people even going to an indoor dining space with a DJ in fucking Texas right now? The fact that any

I saw a woman at the grocery store lower her mask to cough. What in the hell makes someone think that’s what you’re supposed to do??

I’ll start off by saying his rant was wrong.. he could have just kicked them out and kept moving.. he spazzed and said some weird shit really no reason to involve the rest of the customers waiting (a long time) for their food.

Team Nobody. I’d be pretty pissed too if adults were repeatedly climbing on my furniture after being asked to sit down and eat in a restaurant like normal humans.

I keep thinking “oh it would be so sad if a couple of months from now that little baby was ripped from their arms and placed in a disease filled warehouse with a bunch of other kids in cages and the parents had no idea where she was.” But I remind myself I’m not an evil POS like they are, and I wouldn’t wish that on

Anyone that comes over to talk to you in a mask, and then lowers that mask to talk, is an idiot.  

Cosigned by a fellow Viking.

Stephen Miller is stuck in high school - Santa Monica High School, to be exact. He’s never quite understood that he didn’t have many friends because he was a conservative in a liberal school. In reality, he didn’t have many friends because he was a raging ass, and there’s ample video evidence to prove it.

In the

Its funny. The rest of the Trump Klan was mostly about graft. Money, power and simple corruption. The money the Trumps stole from us is significant.

They all get what they deserve. It’s not as if any of this was a secret before, including making Diana a martyr.

I’m a US/UK citizen as well, and while I think Joan sounds rather foolish for suggesting that turning off public comments on Instagram is somehow akin to “opting out of public scrutiny”, the royals are fair game. That family and institution has backed and profited off of inequality, racism, slavery and brutal

That’s not remotely what colonialism means and abolishing a toothless monarchy =/= ‘overthrowing a government’ you tit

Did you just try to guilt trip me cause BRITAIN is experiencing “colonialism” from Americans? Girl hang on I gotta step away from the mic to laugh real quick

I'm from the Commonwealth. Do I have your permission to criticize the Royal Family that engineered the exploitation of my people? 

I’d be more willing to let bygones be bygones if he’d shown more public support for his son’s wife. He didn’t—he was as careless about her mistreatment by the press as he was about his first wife’s—so the wolves can him. According to the country house rumor mill, he’s also an appalling houseguest, so he can face the

(1) If Joan read the comments to her own posts, would she feel differently?

As dumb as it is for people to take a fictional show so seriously, his infidelity is not fiction, and he dragged a literal teenager into his mess when he was 32. So, limited sympathy there. I also think it’s healthy for him to experience a small fraction of the rage that his son and Meghan faced from online bullies

Sometimes it’s for old people that aren’t super mobile too 

Pickle ball is played on what is close to a quarter court tennis court with a racquet that looks somewhere between a paddle and a badminton racquet. The ball is soft so doesn’t really bounce. Its actually a great game for players who would have difficulty running a full court - also it can be played inside in a gym.

It’s tennis, but on a tiny little court so one doesn’t have to run around like some filthy commoner.