
Dubai is seriously exactly what would have happened if someone had given 13 year old me and my friends unlimited money and a big patch of empty land.

“Let drive Ferraris everywhere and make super tall buildings and make our own islands and air conditioned beaches and give firefighters jetpacks!”

“Yeah, and no girls

Only an imbecile would use conjecture and hearsay to form the basis of their opinion but then again, I can’t fault you for a poor upbringing. Blame your parents.

Right. Because no Norwegian has ever committed rape in the history of the world! It’s unheard of!!!

In the immortal words of the Virgin Mary: go fuck yourself.

Anna, you fail to see that non-white people are a monolithic brown mass with the same opinions and ideas about everything. Remember, only white people can think independantly of other members of their race. It’s what makes them special.

“In reality no one is afraid of Islam”

Ah. Now I see.

Israel and Tunisia currently. Though many are under authoritarian regimes; you know, the ones where they kill you if you’re critical of the existing government. Not that their citizens aren’t trying.

“All the democratic Arab countries in the world”? Hate to break it to ya, but all Arab countries are in the same region, by definition. Muslim people, on the other hand, live all over the place. In case you meant “Muslim countries,” it would be wise to remember that theocracy and democracy don’t exactly go

Done. Thanks. I’ve been throwing my money somewhat hazardly at a wide swatch of charities aimed at the refugees, but this is the one I going to support regularly. Thank you for pointing it out. Regardless of how anyone feels about the crisis and what should be done, you can’t hate on these guys for saving drowning

I think you can say that about any country affected by this. Obviously Greece is particularly burdened, but despite the protests and hate crimes we see most people are sympathetic. When Germany opened its borders, in effect, and said they would accept anyone from Syria there were protests from the nasty far right

The incident illustrates the risks for those not physically fit. Hence why the vast majority of those risking the trip are those physically in their prime - young, able-bodied males. They leave their spouses and children, if they have any, in, for example, UNHCR-run camps in Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan, hoping that once

I’ve been so impressed with what the Greeks have done throughout this entire crisis, despite all of the hardships in their own country over the past several years. The many day to day kindnesses don’t get the press that the handful of hateful “nazis” (which exist in every country) do. They have been the front line in

What does that have to do with this incident?

And, while we’re at it, let’s add the children (and women and men) killed by the US in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen (and all the other places I’ve forgotten or don’t know about it).

Thank you Captain Obvious.

Never mind how many children have been murdered in Syria this year so far by the Assad regime, now aided by Russian airstikes targeting ISIS sites, aka hospitals and schools. Or the fact that most of the refugees are fleeing due to said airstrikes and barrel bombing.

If you look at the refugee crisis and feel moved to help but aren’t sure how, MOAS is a great organization to kick a couple bucks over to. All they do all day is fish people out of the water.

God bless Greece, my heritage county. There are nazis there, but many Greeks are wonderful people who work hard to bring water and food and help to the refugees everyday at their own cost. It has become part of everyday life there for my friends and family to organize help and care for refugees. It is exhausting and