
I’m going to wait here while you review the following documentation—I won’t be holding my breath, of course, because facts don’t seem to matter much in conversations like this—but still, I’ll wait:

“It is a scary time right now. Sarah Sanders has been run out of restaurants.”

Ya think?

It’s hard to get on someone who was never open or involved about political stuff. If she was I’d agree with about her complictness. Most of the other people named have long since being active, involved, or engaged with political commentary and discussion.

I’m gonna be That Guy and submit a metaphorical box for consideration:

The Humble Monthly Bundle. It’s $12, get 6 to 8 games, and very rarely are there duds. And if there’s something you don’t want or already have, they give you a code so you can pass it off to someone that would want it.

I’m gonna be That Guy and submit a metaphorical box for consideration:

The Humble Monthly Bundle. It’s $12, get 6 to

A fascist police state.

Thank you.  This point has been overlooked wayyyyy too much.

Can you imagine going to the hospital for depression, etc - voluntarily - and then being chained/restrained and allowed to drown chained to a truck? What the HELL has this country become?

It’s almost like fake money that can only be used to buy drugs, child porn or additional fake money online makes for a bad long-term investment. Weird.

Yeah I know, it’s only worthless pieces of paper backed by a pledge by that government........But I can take those pieces of paper and exchange them for food at my supermarket. Haven’t seen anyone do that with bitcoin yet.

May you meet a similar end; may all the rest of your days be interesting.

as a hormone

These Americans worship the flag. That is blasphemy in the Christian religion. It states, in the Ten Commandments they want outside of every damn courthouse, that you shall not worship false icons. The way they treat the US flag, the way they elevate it, is making it a false icon.

Goofy website people read for free while avoiding work/family/school.


Short answer: Yes, because it’s necessary to look past his past in this moment.

Longer answer: Yes, because allowing perfect to be the enemy of good is what got us Trump in the first place, and continuing to bang on about, “So-and-so did bad stuff before,” when they are ranged against someone who is actively committing

But....but.... blacks use the n word in rap songs! Therefore it’s ok.

His negotiating “skills” can be summed up thusly:

CBS-13 noted that the passionate Republican is active in his community, raising thousands of dollars for homeless people