
When I was 13, I had something similar happen to me in SC. My dad was an alcoholic abusive asshole who frequently used to come home late and try to fight me. I don’t mean just beat or yell at, he would legit start shoving and punching. Finally one day I fought back and he had me “voluntarily” committed to a psyche

My only slight rebuttal to the whole John McCain sucks bandwagon is that all republicans suck. For a republican, McCain was one of the better ones, and now that he’s gone the entire GOP is even worse than it was before. This is especially true considering how they are turning their backs on their own beloved colleague

I’m of the opinion it’s all of humanity that has historically been this way, and it isn’t hard to find plenty of evidence to support that. At some point in the last few hundred years, society began to move on from senseless barbarism and realize that all people benefit from a more egalitarian society. Those are the

I mean this is the only legitimate take to me. I don’t like the guy, but I don’t need to like the guy. To be honest, I don’t really care about the guy. I just want to see how this all plays out, and in that capacity Lanny Davis has my full support. We have a bad habit in this day and age of jumping to whatever the

Yeah, he always does that. It’s his thing. There is /s there it’s just a silent one. I’m more concerned about the 7 people that starred it. The hell is wrong with you people? He literally just butheremailsed all of you.

I just don’t understand this shit anymore. When I was a kid growing up in the 90s, no one ever had to tell us white kids can’t use the n word even though black kids/adults could. At least within my circle of peers, we just understood that it was something hurtful with a racist history and that within black circles it

Conservatives are against welfare, not charity. In their perfect Leave IT To Beaver world, welfare isn’t necessary because if someone in the community is down on their luck, the rest of the neighborhood will pitch in and help with groceries and what not. Conveniently, this philosophy excludes anyone not in your direct

You will never ever convince that kind of person they are in the wrong. If they admitted that, that would mean they have to be accountable for themselves and that is what they are truly afraid of.

I believe that on some subconscious level his supporters realize that. They CHOOSE to believe his lies because it gives them a narrative they can use where they are the victims standing up for themselves and everyone who disagrees with them is the bad guy. It isn’t that they actually believe him, even though they will

You just described how I feel every time I look at the news headlines anymore.

That pubic hair is as mesmerizing as it is horrifying.

I’m sick of the NFL’s bullshit and refuse to watch it mainly because I’m tired of all the pointless controversies, but you are correct that they really couldn’t care less whether or not a minority of pissed off liberals watch it or not. I would even go so far as to argue that the players still in the league who are

I have gone to the Donald Trump subreddit a few times and I’m convinced it started as a way to make fun of Trump and his supporters, except his supporters are so goddamn stupid they don’t realize they are the butt of their own jokes.

It’s irrelevant, though, because nobody actually gives a shit about the Nation of Islam

You are imagining what you think the liberal response to those actions would be and then arguing against yourself. The fact is the reason no president has ever met with the North Korean leader isn’t because NK didn’t want to. It has been because by meeting with the leader of a rogue state (which is what North Korea

That doesn’t really make you fiscally conservative though, at least not the way I and (I assume) others understand the term. When I think of fiscal conservative liberals I think of people who are okay with people doing whatever they want as long as it doesn’t cost taxpayers. They are basically diet Libertarians. Sounds

I mean at least one person would have. You can’t start shootin’ before someone starts stabbin’. I’m just glad this moron didn’t have a gun. 

That last part is the real ass kicker. There is no way Trump’s legacy will be remembered fondly even if he gets a second term (of which there is a depressingly decent chance). Regardless, his legacy is going to be felt for decades to come.

Yesterday when everyone started freaking out about this my first thought was literally: “...and nothing of value was lost.”

I can’t even understand what she was trying to say. Before that, was she saying Muslims only live in the country? Is she saying Muslim Americans use a different flag? It took a few moments before it could even register that Oh, she doesn’t realize Muslims who live in this country are Americans too...