
I like this as a compromise. I can really see where both David and MBCock are coming from. If the president reports it, you can’t just ignore it but you sure as hell can put some context in the headline.

I don’t like those types of games either. I suffered through Heavy Rain, twice, because the writing is just that well done. I kept wishing it would just play itself and let me watch.

We must remember that game differently. Riding in the back of the police car is how he is introduced into the story when it crashes and he slides down a steep embankment into woods. They could have used a different plot device, but it isn’t gratuitous. The murder becomes relevant when Larry recognizes Lee from the

When I saw the headline my first thought was that it was going to be he was running for public office.

Somehow, I think I’m the only person on the internet who hasn’t seen this already. As a fan of both shows, I think Light would have been covered if he added “death by spontaneous vaporization” to the note.

Better load times too. It is the best original version.

Canada has forks? Surely you meant you’d stab him with a spork.

As a formerly religious person with a formal religious background, I can tell you what the explanation is, and it is really really dumb. I am too lazy to look up the verse, but to paraphrase there is a section of the Bible that talks about predestination. God “foreknew” who would believe in him and therefore

Something doesn’t have to be illegal for it to be wrong. There are lots of terrible things you can do that are perfectly legal, actually.

At best he will face manslaughter charges, and here’s hoping these comments come back to bite him in court.

To be honest, I couldn’t tell if they were being sarcastic or not either. It’s so hard to tell if people are really just supremely ignorant or joking. If you don’t believe me, just take a peek at the greys.

Wow, and to think that could have taken a really dark turn. It would be kind of horrifying if they had objected to him taking his own child from the facility. On behalf of white people I’m sorry some of us are so goddamn stupid.

It isn’t a double standard even, it’s just context.

The thing about bringing up Hamas violence is that Sanders hasn’t been the one bringing it up. It has been how Trump and Co. have been framing the violence to justify Israel’s response. The way I read that was more that he was acknowledging and dismissing the stance that Trump and Republicans are going with, which is

“ don’t lay hands on people like these idiots have.”

Let’s call it what it is: assault. It really doesn’t matter how you feel about what the students were doing. What matters is if you think it justifies assault and it doesn’t.

It hits me in the feels that it hits you in the feels...

Next it’s going to be Hoggish Greedly.

One of the first questions I asked when I started reading the Root was something along the lines of “how can I be better white person?” It really is kind of a loaded question, and several people called me on it but one was kind enough to give me what I have taken for good advice. Just try to be a good person. All the

I agree completely, but once some jerk calls the police and asks them to remove someone from privately owned property, they have to do it. They don’t have to do it the way the did it. They can be polite, calm, respectful. Let the woman say her piece because a) she has every right to be angry and b) even if she didn’t,