
Yeah that’s the bit that has me scratching my head. She’s young, and for literally any other president this would be an excellent resume builder. For Trump? She will be tainted forever. Does she think this is a good career move, or does she actually buy into the MAGA agenda?

With Lovecraft, I think his horror writing was directly fueled by his hatefulness. Lovecraft, like all conservatives, was terrified of anything different. That’s why he wrote about monsters and entities that were so different they defied explanation. The terror and madness and inability to comprehend he conveyed in

Although you’re right, the SRO is in a catch 22. He absolutely has to respond to the potential threat to the best of his ability. That said, it is completely unacceptable that our best case scenario results in a serious injury and two deaths (counting the shooter because had he not had a gun there’s a chance he could

Even that is pretty inaccurate. I mean a lot of fossils are that old. A lot are younger. A lot are older. There’s a lot going with that comment that I don’t quite understand.

The shells you find on the beach are not fossils unless they are mineralized. You can tell pretty easily because they look more like rock shaped shells. Shells you find in the ground are usually fossils, and again are easy to identify as such because they will look and feel like rocks. These are common in some places

How well does that usually work out? I guess we are all about to find out...

I want to believe you, but here’s the thing. I know for a fact Trump can’t outsmart anyone. I also know that Mueller, although I disagree with him politically, is a smart guy. I’m more concerned about our justice system and its track record for holding wealthy old white guys accountable. It’s....not good.

I 100% guarantee everyone who supports him would be offended if you called them Nazis too.

I get that you’re coming from an honest place, and are probably a decent person, but good-god you are being tone deaf.

Doesn’t sound hipster at all. I made that decision with my dry rub years ago and never looked back. Now that it’s grilling season again I need to take another look at my sauces.

What do you recommend? Or are you dry rub only?

I’m not on board with the way OP is trying to spin this, but to be fair, any school shooting is tragic whether only one or even nobody gets hurt. It’s still traumatic, and basically domestic terrorism.

It still says a lot about Republican voters in IL though, doesn’t it?

Could be this, or it could be that the guy is a straight up serial killer and choosing his victims at random.

The Democratic party is anything but extreme at the moment. They’ve allowed the GOP to pull them hard toward the center, in my opinion. You either support the current Republican agenda or you don’t. If you do, well vote Republican I guess. If you don’t, until their is a viable alternative there is little choice but to

No big surprise people who identify as independent are unsure. Pretty sure they are unsure of everything. The issues have become so polarized it is hard for me to understand anyone who can’t pick a side.

When will it stop being “too soon” to talk about changing our gun laws?

At what will the new normal put the Onion out of business?

I was sure I had learned the death toll in Iraq was over one million. Thanks for reminding us. It is in governments’ best interests to minimize coverage on civilian casualties, so they do. The sad truth is we have no idea how many casualties there really are, but it is a lot higher than what has been confirmed. Here

Trump hasn’t been able to do much yet. If we fix this problem now his presidency will be remembered as the 4 (or 2?) years America completely lost it’s mind then (hopefully) recovered. Policies from the Bush era we will feel for the rest of our lives, similar to how the end of colonialism following WW2 destabilized