Lucid Loon

I think people are sort of glossing over that Cersei planned to keep Ellaria in the cell for however long her daughter's body took to decompose, too.

Rockapella breaks that one out on the reg.

That dirty joke, clean joke one skipped the actual punchline by cleaning it up a bit.

I'm starting to think you're taking this more seriously than the situation warrants. See ya down the road.

Nah, I got what you were going for. Your word choice was pretty unfortunate, was my point.

…do people rub up against you in hallways often?

I agree that it was an accident. I disagree that that means it does not warrant an apology. I think most would immediately apologize assuming they realize what they've done.

That was it!

Jimmy Jr. is slightly different. Apparently he's speedo guy too? That one I had no idea of.

Was the doll sub-plot part of a promo or something? I could swear I've seen that scene of needing a doll for the restaurant before.

But not the right to an audience.

Was that the one that was basically a Gauntlet clone?

Man, I really wanted Destiny to be good. A branching story-based game where you custom make your own mutant. Such potential.

Probably should've been more like:

Really? Seems like it just failed because of shitty business practices.

I always make sure to be the prettiest crossdresser possible.

Dragonfall is a huge step up, I thought. Not sure about Hong Kong…

I mean, people have trouble sleeping sometimes. Why hate on that?

I've met plenty. Long Island has long been a conservative stronghold in NY. Also was populated by loyalists to the crown during the revolution.

That doesn't even really seem jarring to me. I haven't gotten to that part, but a point that's been hammered on is that the artist creating the image for the hacker group is producing a brand so the group has a face people can rally behind.