Lucid Loon

So, this is the first night I've caught this show. I do think I want to see more though.

Well, after number three as that's when she fled. Are you sure she was unarmed when she found William and whatisname? Didn't it basically fade to black pretty quick after they met? Not really any indication one way or the other. Admittedly, I've only watched each episode once so I could easily be missing things.

The music thing is most likely to try to avoid a takedown.

Possibly. Do we see which host is playing her father the first time the MiB comes to the homestead in the first episode? I might have to rewatch that.

Eh, I remain unconvinced. We see Dolores with William as she's becoming self-aware, but saw her with Mr. MiB before that started happening.

I'm on the East Coast as well, and Sublime definitely falls into the category of frat boy reggae. I don't hate them near as much as Brian, but I fully get the picture he's painting.

Really? This is the only upcoming/recent superhero movie I have any excitement for.

Sure they did. Turned out she was already dead.

Pretty sure they don't talk all Shakespearean on that show.

I can't be racist! I'm morally outraged on others behalf all the time!

The updated Sailor Moon has a weirdly small head.

Are you forgetting El Contador? That was some impressive bluffing.

Arguably the birthplace of punk.

Just imagine if Frank lied and Matt cold shot a dude in the head thinking it was empty.

Shit. I was looking forward to this one.

Nope. That's how the one surviving guy from attempts to recreate Cap came to be.

What do you mean destroyed his own bar? Wasn't /really/ him that did it.

Pictures with two characters being put together. Like Craig/Tweek.

You kind of do have to accept that it exists and some people like it, though. That's just reality. Rejecting reality ain't so healthy.

I just looked it up on youtube. I'm pretty sure I missed that one somehow. Pretty great.