
It was at DOSE! My first time going there and probably my last :( The combination of fat shaming, $5 iced tea, and things I couldn't afford was overall depressing.

It doesn't matter what those machines measured! They could have been orgone detectors, for all the good they were doing. The important thing is that the gym/diet industry makes its money from shame and self hatred, and they have decided that (some) skinny people are immune to that tactic, so skinny fat is a new way to

UGH! I saw that exact display, yesterday, at a super hip market in Chicago, filled with rich attractive fashionable young people. The worst part was they had a body fat measuring machine set up in front of it, and skinny people were waiting in line to be told if they were actually fat. It made me want to stab.

I'm not defending IC here, as I think the calls for military intervention are problematic, BUT as a non-profit nerd, I would say that spending 34% of their budget on direct relief is NOT in and of itself a problem. They are not a relief organization! They are an advocacy organization. Advocacy work is staff heavy. You

OMG I hate read XOJane every day! I. CAN'T. STOP. There is so much privilege and narcissism and poor decision making masked as girl power on that site, I can't even deal. Except for Leslie Kinzel who is consistently rad to the degree that I feel kind of bad for her being associated with the rest of that dreck.

It makes me sad/angry/crazy. Even in the Fantastic Mr. Fox, which was a claymation movie, when they went out into the human world, even in the crowd scenes there was not a SINGLE person of color. Just like in this film! It's like Wes Anderson is incapable of imagining anyone other than white people. I love his films,

Yeah, everything that Leslie writes is BRILLIANT, and everything else is clueless, tone deaf, infuriating and/or offensive. I mostly read it to shout at it.

After I got into a bike crash, (having twisted open my ankle, torn through all of my ligaments, and sustained an injury that would require two surgeries and a year of recovery), I lay on the ground waiting for the ambulance apologizing for being such a pussy and probably making too big a deal out of nothing.

Yeah that story is great. She also says something along the lines of "people describe the book as a book about being a teen, through the metaphor of war. It is actually a book about war, through the metaphor of war, featuring teens."

I'm reposting what has been posted down thread because I think this article really misframed what was in the flier. The full announcement had an unequivocal denunciation of sexual violence and assault, and provided info for women who wanted to go to the cops. but it ALSO provided alternative structures for folks who

While any number of horrifying accounts have come out of Libya, and I'm sure that there are more to come, the accounts of mass rape, and the work of this psychiatrist in particular, have been called into question by human rights organizations:[]

No, actually this comment implies that the NY Post based a full page cover story on unsubstantiated innuendo from someone close to the defense. And I think that Jezebel has an obligation to mention that somewhere in their post, instead of just repeating those claims in their headline and in their article. I don't

Really Jezebel? WTF! I can't believe you ran with that headline. Even Gawker did a better job of exposing the NYPost story as a baseless smear job. But you help them out by repeating their accusations in your headline, without context or analysis. With feminist websites like this, who needs douchebag newspapers like

I'm so proud of Michelle for coming out as the first gay, clown serial killer to run for president! She may not make it, but she's broken the glass ceiling for all of us who will follow in her footsteps.

All of the speculation about her political future makes me crazy! Having known and loved people with brain injuries, even minor ones have serious long-term consequences. To imagine that one year after being shot through the brain someone would be ready to govern is totally unrealistic. We should just be happy that she

i'm a fairly decent cook, (and lucky that my honey is an awesome cook) but i recommend mark bitman's cookbooks for all beginning chefs! his stuff is yummy (although his desserts leave a little to be desired), his recipes usually do not involve more than five ingredients, and his directions are simple and easy to

Forget Facebook, I miss Friendster! Remember testimonials? It was like all the great things people would have written in my yearbook if I had been less of an awkward and angry loner.

I love my neighborhood grocery store and the process of deciding what to eat based on what looks fresh or enticing, BUT I had a bike crash and was out of commission for nearly 4 months, and Peapod was a life saver. I don't know what I would have done without it.

She also directed Lords of Dogtown and Thirteen, both of which were critically well received. It's not like she's an unknown.