
Honestly, I would rather eat the things in that list than eat the 36% beef.

@dumdumpop: You should really watch the show before jumping to that conclusion. He's clearly an asshole, no amount of editing could create that out of thin air. But I think he's come across as a complex and interesting asshole. He talks a lot about his experience as an immigrant and how it's shaped him as a designer.

Ugh, fuck shitstorm 2010, which involved major medical calamities befalling five members of my family over a three month span. 2010 totally blew.

@mordicai: I escorted at a clinic for four years and men were always welcome to come in with their partners. It seems difficult to imagine going through an abortion alone.

my friend is a (chicano) googler, and he's involved in their activities promoting diversity among the staff. it's one of his favorite parts of the job. he gets to teach young women to build robots and stuff on work time. but he acknowledges that for all the awareness of the need to hire more diverse engineers, they've

@go out and love someone: I got it for a friend and was pretty disappointed when it came. The ideas are great, the photos are hilarious and there are NO INSTRUCTIONS. anywhere. it's just photos of things she made and pithy comments. Even the most crafty of us could only reproduce 1/4 of the stuff in there based on

The problem with this song is that it is not nearly as outrageous or funny as real life sexxx jamz like sex on my money and sex room. Which are fantastic.

@DramaClub: I am also a big fan of my honey! I usually call my boo my partner, but especially when partner sounds too serious or too business-y, honey is a low key, sweet, gender neutral term.

@RaisinGirl doesn't drink white whine: Somehow I find that argument even more depressing. They're down with hiring POC, but only if no one sees them. I just think they should have learned something from the outcry over the first three films.

the trilogy was remarkable for being over 9 hours of movie with NO recognizable people of color. i'm unsurprised to hear it confirmed on the casting end. sigh...

@stoprobbers: I would be happier with letting people go about their celebrations in peace, if I was also allowed to go about in peace. As an ethnically Jewish athiest, I abhor the months between Thanksgiving and New Years. I hate the Christmas music, the decorations, the well wishing, the questions about what I'm

@iambu: Totally the red line. I used to take it from Rogers Park to Fullerton, and both times it was in the evening on my way home from work. I'm sure this ass hat is probably still at it.

@iambu: I was flashed twice by the same guy on the same train line in Chicago. Well, less flashed more perved... both times he had an obvious boner in tight pants that he was rubbing while looking at me. Both times it was evening, when I was coming home from work, and the train was sparsely populated. I moved to a

No one who has ever set foot in a Wegman's could possibly begrudge Alec Baldwin these ads. Heck, I would do an ad for Wegman's in a heartbeat. For free! It is truly that great.

@cassandraj: And he clearly really loves his wife of a million years, who he met in a performance of Romeo and Juliet! And he was in Children of Men, the best movie of all times. And he's gorgeous. Of course.

over the last couple of years i've gotten really into cycling. in good weather, i bike around a 100 miles a week. and you know what? the more i bike, the farther i can go, and the faster i can go, but it doesn't change what I weigh (or at least how my clothes fit - i don't own a scale) at all. people seem baffled that When I was in elementary school (during the like a virgin era) kids used to ask each other whether or not they were virgin. I remember stressing out thinking that answering yes or no was really bad, but I couldn't remember which was which.

@ruthieoo: I definitely hear what you're saying about the gender binary being problematic, and recognizing that there are many people who live outside of it, for a number of reasons. My comment is more for people who choose to roundly endorse the gender binary, often much more strictly than cisgendered people. In my

This was an issue at my college, where a couple of players on the women's rugby team transitioned, and some of the team members felt that if they weren't going to identify as women anymore, they shouldn't be playing women's sports. There was definitely a lot wrapped up in the conflict (queer women feeling abandoned as