
DKE are notorious for this kind of thing, at least where I went to school. A bunch of DKE pledges screamed faggot at me and then broke my window during their pledge activities. Needless to say there was no action taken by the frat or the university.

@katieupsidedown: Umbrella Academy is FANTASTIC although I feel super emo recommending it to people. I've read the first two books of the Unwritten and it's def growing on me.

@Anilisha: Seriously friend, there was a time that Mark Millar was good, although his recent run with Nemesis is making me doubt my love of his earlier work. But his work on the Authority was great, and Red Son was fantastic.

Where is the love for Batwoman!!?? Amazing art and writing and a queer woman super hero? I read most anything grant morrison puts out, and he's generally good for queer characters (beast came out during his run in the x-men, although that got dropped when he left the series). BPRD has some great women in it, and has

on the show last night, they claimed that all rape kits in nyc were immediately tested and the results were forwarded to the DA and the police. That can't possibly be true, can it?

I love love love this video, although they totally stole this idea from me! Which is probably ok because I came up with it 10 years ago and then never did anything about it.

i get hit on/harassed all the time on my bike, which generally involves a) wearing a t shirt and knee length shorts, b) being sweaty as hell and c) wearing a helmet. I am rarely less hot.

i prefer to ask if folks are all right from a safe distance, and leave when they wave me off. it's happened to me when i'm crying before, and it's embarrassing, but i would rather ask than not.

The weirdest thing about this is that the outfits are a million times more "sexy" than the outfits in the original single ladies video. If they had just been wearing black leotards, I don't think anyone would have been talking about anything other than what amazing dancers these kids are.

What's up with all the POC on Lost sacrificing themselves to save the white folks. It's some serious magical negro shit going on there.

i love how awkward she looks in all of these pictures !!heart!!

@hovy: Batwoman has been AWESOME recently! Besides having a queer, hot, and asskicking lead, they had a story on don't ask don't tell AND some of the best artwork in any books out there right now. It's a must read for me. The sad part of all of this is that I didn't start reading Y the Last Man until really late in

@LostTurntable: Didn't one of the girls in Gen13 literally burst out of her clothes? Like that was her superpower? Sudden nakedness? That said I read it obsessively in high school. Sigh...

can we talk about how much i love solange? cause basically everything that comes out of her mouth is awesome.

@mcpumpkin: Yeah, it's especially hilarious with Rihanna as the guest! It's really sort of horrifying.

@FrannyR: I felt the same way when I read this. No amount of lighting and fences will change the fact that we've created a culture where 20 people feel comfortable watching a gang rape without stopping it. There is much deeper work that needs to be done. #richmondgangrape

@pratneshwar: For reals. My partner is vegetarian and we cook only vegetarian at home, and most of our food comes from cultures where folks just can't/don't eat meat all the time. Which means lots of mexican, lots of indian, lots of southern italian food (which has a lot of lenten meat free dishes) and not a lot of

Both law and order sexy victims unit and all the CSI shows feature a lot of graphic violence against women. it's why I won't watch them any more. #violenceagainstwomen

@HannahBethD: All I wanted as a young goth was knee high lace up boots. And all I want as a 30 something hipster are cowboy boots. It is a life long sadness for me that I will never be able to own either of them. Also: I destroy the thighs of my jeans in like five seconds flat through a magical combination of chub

@mannequin: I wrote to her when the story first hit. We went to the same high school (although I was there more than a decade ago) and I also struggled as a young feminist there. She wrote back quick and was super nice and enthusiastic to hear from me. Keep trying!