Argentine jalop in Central America

I thought he looked extra cheesy this weekend.

I’m in the minority I know, but I do not consider loudness to necessarily be a desirable thing. I realize that louder typically equates to “freer flowing” which equates to more power, but if I could have more power without the noise in an ICE, I’d take it 10 times over 10.

Lol. You know most of these are going to be automatics with all kinds of modifications and other doodads to look cool. They usually have front tints because the drivers are ashamed to be seen.

Real answer is:

but it can super quiet when you need to use the phone or want to hear the radio (or not draw attention from the cops).”

All the more reason to get the manual. I prefer the exhaust only be as loud as necessary for the performance I want. Any louder is just stupid and obnoxious. Every time I hear dickheads drive by loud as hell but just flowing with traffic I just think to myself, “It’s that wooooWOOOOOO”

Juichi Wakisaka, who runs the Sard Toyota team Sekiguchi races for, seemed to admit some regret for his driver’s actions — although, chalking it all up to an “attacking spirit” probably absolves Sekiguchi of more culpability than some might argue he deserves

Sekiguchi himself said that he was looking to capitalize on the opportunity for a slipstream offered by the hobbled GT300 car in front of him

We call those a lateral move.

Does NOT Compute! Twenty-two years old, quarter of a million miles, nearly $13,000, poor-to-miserable fuel mileage when we’re routinely seeing $4/gallon (or more) at the pump. The asking price is absurd . . . and yet, it will sell close to asking because the world is crazy right now. No Dice.

Oh, hell yes! Thank you! Gonna cue up Obras Cumbres and have a listen. 

If you drove the sub-100 HP cars you would find that it is in fact, plenty of power for civilized driving.

It is laughable that Americans all feel like they “need” 200+ HP just to prevent holding up the absurdly slow-moving traffic of the US.

It’s actually rather good for it’s purpose. This wasn’t after all ugliest car, but worst.

Yeah, was going to NP until I saw that.... if they made a decision this bad in the process... what other bad decisions were made?

All in until I saw this ND

I don’t think I was ever going to say nice price on this one, but that steering wheel completely killed whatever interest I had in this thing.

Nah I can whine, especially after they told me they’d cover the cost outright. 

Oh god these were terrible. I remember driving a few as rental cars and it was abysmal. The CVT transmission was just awful. It took the power and torque from the engine and created motion and misery. Mostly misery. 

I see the word (continent) ‘Europe’ used a lot in the article, but isn’t it really just comparing Germany to the US?