Argentine jalop in Central America

1958 PV444

I don’t have a garage, and it’s not actually at my house atm (I’ve stashed it at my parent’s while I get back up to speed on driving), but this is my ‘89 Citroen BX GTi; It’s my first car, bought exactly 8 years after I got my license. I always wanted a something a bit dumb as a first car, but it kinda took me a while

Never thought of karma as a woman’s tooth, but I’m sure there’s something involving a tooth fairy there somewhere, or Buffy... :)

He would have to be a FLORIDA coke dealer.  It’s a prerequisite.

What was factually incorrect here?

Dear cops,

If I were 80+ and had a closet full of gaudy, wide collared polyester shirts then maybe NP.

ND - I’m not a coke dealer.

I’d ask how that boot tastes, but it’s so far down your throat, the tip of said boot is poking out of your asshole.

Jeebus, those fuckin’ wheels! Tells me all I need to know about the seller. The car has been flogged and otherwise mistreated, vape fumes lingering in the upholstery, and 99% chance he wears a flat-billed hat. Massive No Dice!

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

I worked with a woman who bought a Tahoe because she said she was a bad driver and needed something “safe.” I wanted to slap her.

I agree, the dash from the EV in the article simply does not fit the exterior and those wheels are a hard no as well. The boring black paint is not doing it any favors either. The seats are’t bad but could have a more classic optic, but the section in between with the arm rest just does not fit the car at all.

They need those mirrors to see around their mom.

I appreciate it thank you. And thanks for reading!

Once you go Blackwood, you never go back.

For $2,000, you got a five-inch unit in a terrible position.”

Lance Stroll can finish in the points though.

I imagine Mazepin's comments will be like his career: Contain a ton of spin and take too long to finish.