Argentine jalop in Central America

Plus, you have no command of the language and sound crazy.
Your Dog: WTF do you mean the purple cheese on the chair belongs to the squirrel? Also, WTF is purple?

Classic Orlando behavior. Whether it’s Disneyland or the airport, you can count on a drunk adult to be mad about paying full price, waiting in line, and being denied permission to ride.

I’m going to set my mark for “cheap” here at $25,000. (Let us assume you put down $3,000, and you finance $22,000. With decent credit, that means your car payment comes in just under $400 per month at 60 months.)

Any current model year Mazda that isn’t the Miata.



I find the 156 Sharknose interesting.



If we are doing TV shows, I agree with the article from a couple years ago here talking about Stranger Things.

Frankly, every single bit of car casting in both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is perfect, but the highlight for me is Mike’s Fifth Avenue. It’s a suitably anonymous old man car, but at the same time, he’s probably comfortable with it from the Diplomat squad cars he almost definitely drove as a cop. Second place

Weird project frankencar that needs work on its shoehorned engine, probably requiring a drop? Primer paint? And it’s an auto?

Somewhere, deep within the steel and concrete labyrinth that is Troy Michigan’s Zoning and Housing annex (Inspections and Enforcement wing), a grizzled man slumps into his chair. Tracy, D. - case file TM - 18-22/JP-Fe2-O3 had meant so... so damn much to him.

I’m sure there are going to be a lot of people in the comments saying things like, “That’s it, I’m out of here! I’m never reading this site again!” First, grow up. Millions of people read this site, if you want to stop, go with god.

NP, if you are a pimp in 1975's New Orleans. ND for literally everyone else.

So, one of Trumps kids is selling this behind his back right? I mean there is no one else on the planet with that rarified level of “taste”.

Dancing Jebbus On A Cracker, no fucking way! One second to look at the first picture and immediately to NO Dice.

All I can conclude is that these two guys are as dumb as a bag of hammers.  Just listening to them causes my IQ to drop.

“Are we gonna have to cut that?” suggests they have cut other things. The zealots will say anything to protect their precious belief system around a product, including edit out videos and then edit them out of their personal memories to avoid conversing about them. There’s no sense of objectivity, ironic given the

“it’s shocking to people because it’s new... but this is normal.....”

don’t try to fucking justify that. there’s NOTHING normal about trying to drive in to something, LET ALONE A LIVING, BREATHING, HUMAN BEING.