Argentine jalop in Central America


If Brodozers are the equivalent of driving down the road yelling “F you” at everyone. This is the equivalent of yelling “F you” ANDI have more money then you” at the same time. Whole other level of douche.

no on so many levels.

first of all this is an absolutely shit car conceptually “lets take one of the world’s greatest off road vehicles, slam it, slap in enough horsepower to stop the moon in its orbit, but not fix the suspension so it is death to drive fast, then gussie it up like a hooker on saturday night to appeal


Look, I don’t care how well it performs, it’s still an ugly, ugly brick. Not only ostentatious, but amazingly fugly while doing so—one of those vehicles that baffles me to buy new, let alone used.

After the H2 got sold, it was time for a new vehicle.

“Do I look like a Kardashian?”

Insert Xzibit meme here.

Designope.  The miles are low because nobody in their right mind drives this for more than 15 mins on the highway.

The U.S. justice system works exactly as intended.

If he has such mental issues how about we throw the father in jail for, essentially, handing his son a loaded gun knowing full well he wasn’t able ot handle it. As long as the .1% cab buy their way out of anything this will continue. They are so far beyond the rest of the world there isn’t a dollar amount that can

Recently, things like this have been on my mind. I am a 73 year old widower living in a big house in Florida, with all of the attendant maintenance. I have been thinking of finding a lot somewhere and finding something like this to just live in with the opportunity to just drop everything when I feel like it to visit

Wow, that’s some serious evaluation. Kudos. I was never this good at the math.

It’s easy to simply break out the two. I’ve found many a Yaris with less miles and newer for under 6k. Found one for 4k. Let’s pretend this one is everything you could want for its mileage and condition and give it a 5k value. That’s not a NP value, just an average at best value

So is the motorhome worth 27.5k. 22 year

As a Cincinnatian, #truth

Fun fact, this is the leading cause of old age in Eastern Europe, Japan, Louisiana, and weirdly enough, Cincinnati.

I didn't exactly leave the planet but did leave Ohio after 30yrs. Never been back.

All these people only became great after leaving Ohio.

ok, fine, you fixed the orientation of the Wright Flyer but there are many more issues.

Managed to stay away all year