For decades enthusiasts have been screaming for more affordable RWD sporty cars and when companies build them this happens.
For decades enthusiasts have been screaming for more affordable RWD sporty cars and when companies build them this happens.
in the US, airbags are mandated, fuel cell crash safety standards are mandated, front and side impact standards are mandated, emissions are mandated, back up cameras are mandated, 3 point belts are mandated, child safety seat connecters are mandated, ABS and VSC are mandated.
industry fought like hell to block all of…
You’re messing with us, right?
The “power of the free market” is a myth propagated by corporations who want to cut corners and see regulations as an enemy of profit.
Between the NY Craigslist ad, the Florida plate and the Vermont location, this thing is even sketchier than I imagined possible.
For $20K you can get an entire complete kit car Cobra from Factory Five minus engine and trans.
The crazy thing is, you can do a plywood dash that looks good. It isn’t even that hard. You can mount gauges in that plywood dash in such a way that they look good. It isn’t that hard. No such effort was taken.
This thing is almost aggressively awful. From the inability to figure out just what you’re trying to copy to the dodgy chassis situation underneath to the inability to put a manual transmission in this thing to that utterly ridiculous asking price, nothing about this is appealing. This thing smells like someone is irra…
Just cancel the race, no need to determine positions, then have the local promoter refund ticket holders, that was the only right thing to do.
How many of you have left a convertible top open on a nice day, and then had a micro-thunderstorm arrive while you’re a 10 minute walk away, eating dinner at a nice little Thai place?
You don’t want to be the third owner of any expensive German sedan.
To be fair, all us ugly Americans remember about turkey is fighter jets going rogue after a coup attempt a few years ago.
I’m guessing this discussion is kind of meaningless. The only people that could afford these cars are the criminals and corrupt politicians that know how to avoid paying the taxes in the first place. I’d bet no one is actually paying the fully taxed prices on luxury cars.
Reading the responses, I think it might be you that’s bad at geography, and global politics.
you’re talking about eastern european car culture and you’re talking about turkey.
Muscle cars in general. Horsepower was overrated (literally) at the time. They ride like shit, handle like shit. Built quality is garbage. Rust proofing was non-existent. They look and sound good, but that’s about it.
She: You still think silver pants and cowboy boots were the right choice, Francois?
At least on the Buick you don’t have to reach more than half way across the car to adjust the climate control. As shitty as those old slider controls were, the position of these on the Buick is much nicer than the buttons on the Accord. Also remember that the ‘94 Century was wearing the same interior that it had since…
If he/she doesn’t have $2500 in their checking account maybe they shouldn’t have bought a fancy leather-lined SUV that gets atrocious gas mileage even when the battery works. Or that villa in Casa Grande (avg. price in that hood is $5.75-700K if Zillow is to be believed). Or that garage full of toys that preclude…