Argentine jalop in Central America

Ha, me too buddy.

“Runs great”??? With 165 hp from the 350, this thing never ran great. I would prefer to buy and drive a used Versa (a real penalty box) and burn the remainder of cash, than buy this Nova. This car belongs back in a time, when dice haven’t even been invented.

The explanation was concocted after the cops realized there’s video evidence that they can’t control/refuse to release/pretend doesn’t exist because cameras malfunctioned.

seems legit? i disagree. One question i have. so the cop threw the bag on the backseat then proceeds to put on purple gloves. why put on the gloves at that point when he was just “returning” the bag?

The rigidity of me, Saturday night at 2:15AM, trying to rip the wrapper off a Magnum when I’m five double Tito’s and sodas deep.

It isn’t news that the dogs own the house. Last night is typical.

Any coal-rolling diesel. The official car of the guy who threatens their neighbors with their assault and battery record because they got reported for blasting Toby Keith at 3AM.

So many things it’s tough to just pick one automotive grievance to air.

I own a British car and an Italian motorcycle.

Justin, you are a hell of a writer. It was good seeing you here every day, and if you’re ever in the Houston metro, reach out and find me. I’ll buy you a beer or two.

Not the best, but not the worst. go with what makes you truly happy.  Shiny don’t mean shit no more.  at least not to me.

I can assure you that, at 53 the thrill of that has been gone for a long time. My wife is not a model but I love her to the very core of my being and I cherish the days we spend together. “Shiny” is nice but you can gold plate a turd and you just have a shiny turd.

In my very early 20's I was engaged to a model. She was stunning and I (just a poor working schmo) felt like a King when we went out and all the heads turned to see her and wonder how I managed that. I soon found out (after living together) how much maintenance she required to look that way and that her entire life


Like many others, my dad is a “car guy.” He was a hot-rodder in the 60s and when his parents gave him some money to get started after college he spent it all on a brand new 1969 Corvette 427 (which he still owns today).

They did not.

It was the moment my dad picked me up from middle school in his 1989. For context, this was roughly 2002, in the US. I hadn’t yet realized not every household had a diesel sedan with a manual transmission and pneumatic suspension.